
CPSC 441 Group Project (Networked Blackjack in browser).

Primary LanguageJava


How to run:

  • NOTE: follow "Java Server" and "Firebase Server" instructions on same computer.
  • NOTE: follow "Java Client" instructions on any computer (even same as server).
  • NOTE: If running servers in Cybera RAC on a VM with private IP, clients must also be running on a Cybera VM.

Java Server:

  1. Make sure you have java and javac installed.
  2. git clone https://github.com/elvinlimpin/CPSC441BlackJack.git
  3. cd CPSC441BlackJack/src/
  4. javac */*.java
  5. java server/Controller
  6. NOTE: you should see repeated error messages if firebase hasn't been served yet.

Firebase Server:

  1. Make sure you have node/npm installed.
  2. sudo npm install -g firebase-tools
  3. git clone https://github.com/elvinlimpin/CPSC441BlackJackGUI.git
  4. cd CPSC441BlackJackGUI/functions/
  5. npm install && cd .. && npm install
  6. Either firebase login (auth from same host) or firebase login --no-localhost (auth from any host).
    • NOTE: must login with an admin-privilege google account (e.g. using our dummy account credentials).
  7. firebase serve
    • NOTE: In the future once everything is shut down, you should probably run firebase logout


  1. Anybody can open https://cpsc441blackjack.web.app/ in a browser (Chrome preferred).

Java Client(s):

  1. Make sure you have java and javac installed.
  2. git clone https://github.com/elvinlimpin/CPSC441BlackJack.git
  3. cd CPSC441BlackJack/src/
  4. javac */*.java
  5. java client/User <server IP>
    • NOTE: if client is running on same computer as servers, then just use java client/User localhost