
[REQUEST] Doc: improve/create documentation for default styles

sbraz opened this issue · 2 comments

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I would like the documentation to mention all values from rich/default_styles.py. I'll explain why below.

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While I was playing with progress bars, I found out that "[progress.percentage]{task.percentage:>3.0f}%" is the default format for rich.progress.TaskProgressColumn objects. However, I couldn't easily find where progress.percentage was defined. https://rich.readthedocs.io/en/stable/search.html?q=%22progress.percentage%22&check_keywords=yes&area=default didn't output anything useful.

It was only when I grepped the code that I found its definition here:

"progress.percentage": Style(color="magenta"),

Since the various default styles are used in the example code and the documentation, it would be nice to document them.

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I just noticed that the doc mentions python -m rich.default_styles:

python -m rich.default_styles

However, adding the list below the command would still make it easier in my opinion.