Rich is a Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal.
- ademarohz inc.
- andy60Andrea Bertini
- arnimarjReykjavik, Iceland
- BENMFeng
- bergtholdtPhilips Research
- cadu-leiteNecto Systems
- ch21stEvergreen
- diablozzc
- dsoul
- evandrixUndisclosed
- gusx42Gsx
- hongshunyangPittsburgh,PA
- honoodBeijing, China
- hsanchezSRI International
- isaquealvesNavegg/Dentsu
- jhcloos
- kasim
- kreelyAdaptable Solutions
- laminkoCarro
- MassimoLauria
- michliuTaiwan
- mujiatongNVIDIA
- ogonbatMadrid
- pvergainTerre
- rsenthilkumar6Sydney, Australia
- satishgodaEngineer/Educator/Artist
- scherreyBiggest Lab Co. Ltd.
- shafiqalibhaiDeployView Limited
- stigkj@finn-no
- stonegaoInnovation Works
- timwitty
- tpphu
- trycatcher
- willmcguganTextualize
- zeroth@cellphylab
- zindelPrague, The Czech Republic