======== VERSION 1.4.1 ===========
A Java SDK for Tezos node interactions with Conseil support.
The TezosJ SDK library enables plain Java developers to create applications that communicates with Tezos blockchain.
The library is written in Java and is based on Gradle framework. This repository contains the library source code and a Main class to test some features.
- Java 8
- Windows / Linux / Mac
- Eclipse or another Java IDE.
Getting started
- Clone the repository, import as a Gradle Project into your Java IDE and run the Main class.
- Or download the JAR (https://github.com/tezosRio/TezosJ_plainJava/blob/master/tezosj-sdk-plain-java-1.4.1.jar) and add to your project's classpath.
// Creates a new wallet with a passphrase.
TezosWallet wallet = new TezosWallet("myPassphrase");
// Or... creates (imports) a new wallet with its keys.
TezosWallet wallet = new TezosWallet(privateKey, publicKey, publicKeyHash, myPassphrase);
// Or... imports a previously owned wallet with mnemonic words and passphrase.
TezosWallet wallet = new TezosWallet("word1, word2, word3, ... word15 ", "myPassphrase");
// Some environment configuration.
wallet.setProxy("", "");
// Shows some wallet data output.
// Saves the current wallet from memory to file.
System.out.println("Saved the wallet to disk.");
// Creates a new wallet by reading from file.
TezosWallet myLoadedWallet = new TezosWallet(true, "c:\\temp\\mySavedWallet.txt", "myPassphrase");
System.out.println("Loaded the wallet from disk:");
// Shows loaded wallet data.
// Example of Sending funds.
BigDecimal amount = new BigDecimal("0.123456");
BigDecimal fee = new BigDecimal("0.00294");
JSONObject jsonObject = wallet.send("tz1FromAddress", "tz1ToAddress", amount, fee, "", "");
// Using Conseil Gateway, from Cryptonomic.
ConseilGateway cg = new ConseilGateway(new URL("<URL>"), "<APIKEY>", "alphanet");
// Example of origination operation.
BigDecimal fee = new BigDecimal("0.001300"); // Needed fee for origination.
BigDecimal amount = new BigDecimal("2"); // Starting new kt1_delegator address balance.
JSONObject jsonObject = wallet.originate(wallet.getPublicKeyHash(), true, true, fee, "", "", amount, "", "");
// Example of delegation operation.
BigDecimal fee = new BigDecimal("0.001300");
JSONObject jsonObject = wallet.delegate("kt1_delegatorAddress", "tz1_delegate_address", fee, "", "");
// Example of undelegation operation.
BigDecimal fee = new BigDecimal("0.001300");
JSONObject jsonObject = wallet.undelegate("kt1_delegatorAddress", fee);
// Tools
// Routine to extract the publicKey from a privateKey.
String mySecretKey = "edsk...";
String publicKey = Crypto.getPkFromSk(mySecretKey);
// Batch transactions.
// Example of sending batch transactions.
// Clears the transactions batch.
// Adds a first transaction to the batch.
wallet.addTransactionToBatch("from_address", "to_address", new BigDecimal("1"), new BigDecimal("0.00294"));
// Adds a second transaction to the batch.
wallet.addTransactionToBatch("from_address", "to_address", new BigDecimal("2"), new BigDecimal("0.00294"));
// Adds a third transaction to the batch.
wallet.addTransactionToBatch("from_address", "to_address", new BigDecimal("3"), new BigDecimal("0.00294"));
// Note that "from_address" above maybe the manager address or its originated kt1 addresses.
// Gets a list of wallet's current (pending) batch transactions.
ArrayList<BatchTransactionItem> myBatchTransactionsList = new ArrayList<BatchTransactionItem>();
myBatchTransactionsList = wallet.getTransactionList();
// Sends all transactions in the batch to the blockchain and clears the batch.
JSONObject jsonObject = wallet.flushTransactionBatch();
// Or... Specifying gasLimit and storageLimit:
JSONObject jsonObject = wallet.flushTransactionBatch("15400","300");
System.out.println("Batch transaction sent! Returned operation hash is: ");
// Synchronously waits for previous operation to be included in a block after sending another one.
// (this is to be used if you need to send a sequence of single transactions, having to wait first for each one to be included).
BigDecimal amount = new BigDecimal("0.02");
BigDecimal fee = new BigDecimal("0.00294");
JSONObject jsonObject = wallet.send("tz1FromAddress", "tz1ToAddress", amount, fee, "", "");
String opHash = (String) jsonObject.get("result");
Boolean opHashIncluded = wallet.waitForResult(opHash, numberOfBlocksToWait);
// Now it is safe to send another transaction at this point.
// //
// Smart Contract calls. //
// //
// Calls a smart contract in testnet.
// Basically you need to provide the contract KT address, the name of the entrypoint you are calling
// and a "new String[]" array with the parameters.
// IMPORTANT: Before calling the contract, check the name of the called entrypoint
// and the order of your parameters.
// You don't need to create the Micheline parameters.
// TezosJ will create them for you on-the-fly.
// See an example:
BigDecimal amount = new BigDecimal("0");
BigDecimal fee = new BigDecimal("0.1");
JSONObject jsonObject = wallet.callContractEntryPoint("TZ1_FromAddress", "KT1_SmartContractAddress", amount,
fee, gasLimit, storageLimit, entryPoint,
new String[]{"param_1", "param_2", "...", "param_n"}, false, Global.GENERIC_STANDARD);
// Now a functional example (remember that your wallet must be funded and revealed for this to work). //
// Change wallet provider to use testnet.
// Sets amount and fee for the transaction.
BigDecimal amount = new BigDecimal("0"); // To call a contract, you send 0 tez.
BigDecimal fee = new BigDecimal("0.1"); // Minimum fee to call contracts.
System.out.println("Calling the contract (inserting customer 1, please wait a minute)...");
// Calls the contract.
JSONObject jsonObject = wallet.callContractEntryPoint( wallet.getPublicKeyHash(), "KT18pK2MGrnTZqyTafUe1sWp2ubJ75eYT86t",
amount, fee, "", "", "addCustomer",
new String[]{"1000000", "001", "Bob", "98769985"}, false, Global.GENERIC_STANDARD);
// Waits for the transaction to be included, so that we can call the contract once more.
String opHash = (String) jsonObject.get("result");
Boolean opHashIncluded = wallet.waitForResult(opHash, 8);
System.out.println(opHashIncluded + " " + opHash);
System.out.println("Calling the contract (insert customer 2, please wait a minute)...");
// Calls the contract again.
jsonObject = wallet.callContractEntryPoint( wallet.getPublicKeyHash(),
"KT18pK2MGrnTZqyTafUe1sWp2ubJ75eYT86t", amount, fee,
"", "", "addCustomer",
new String[]{"2000000", "002", "Alice", "97788657"}, false, Global.GENERIC_STANDARD);
// Waits for the transaction to be included, so that we may call the contract once more.
opHash = (String) jsonObject.get("result");
opHashIncluded = wallet.waitForResult(opHash, 8);
System.out.println(opHashIncluded + " " + opHash);
// Calling FA1.2 Smart Contracts //
BigDecimal amount = new BigDecimal("0");
BigDecimal fee = new BigDecimal("0.1");
JSONObject jsonObject = wallet.FA12_getBalance("KT1_smartContractAddress", "TZ1_owner");
//JSONObject jsonObject = wallet.FA12_getTotalSupply("KT1_smartContractAddress");
//JSONObject jsonObject = wallet.FA12_transfer("KT1_smartContractAddress", "from_address", "to_address", new BigInteger("integer_value"));
//JSONObject jsonObject = wallet.FA12_getAllowance("KT1_smartContractAddress", "owner_address", "spender_address");
//JSONObject jsonObject = wallet.FA12_approve("KT1_smartContractAddress", "spender_address", new BigInteger("integer_value"));
// Show result (transaction hash or error message).
This software is at Beta stage. It is currently experimental and still under development. Many features are not fully tested/implemented yet. This version uses Tezos Mainnet (!)
- Create valid Tezos wallet address
- Import Tezos wallet
- Check if an address is valid
- Get account balance
- Send funds
- Retrieve account information and transactions via Conseil.
- Originate a KT address.
- Delegate to a known baker.
- Undelegate from a known baker.
- Retrieve a publicKey from a known privateKey.
- Batch transactions.
- Synchronously check (wait until) an operation hash has been included in a block.
- Now allows (1.0.9) specifying gasLimit and storageLimit to batch transactions through flushTransactions method.
- Smart Contract calls to entrypoints.
- Builds entrypoint parameters messages on the fly.
- Ledger Nano hardware wallet integration through Ledger Javascript library (not included).
- FA1.2 smart contract entrypoint calls - getBalance, getAllowance, getTotalSupply, transfer and approve.
- Improved mnemonic generation security.
- (NEW) Ajusted HEAD to HEAD~2 for Ithaca protocol compatibility (thanks to Corey Soreff!).
The main purpose of TezosJ SDK library is to foster development of applications in plain Java that interacts with Tezos ecosystem. This might open Tezos to a whole world of software producers, ready to collaborate with the platform. TezosJ is to play the role of a layer that will translate default Java method calls to Tezos network real operations (create_account, transfer_token, etc.)
- TezosJ is based on Stephen Andrews' EZTZ Javascript library https://github.com/stephenandrews/eztz.
- TezosJ is also based on ConseilJS from Cryptonomic https://github.com/Cryptonomic/ConseilJS
- TezosJ uses LazySodium https://github.com/terl/lazysodium-java
- TezosJ uses BitcoinJ Java Library https://github.com/bitcoinj/bitcoinj.
- Special thanks to Tezzigator (https://twitter.com/@tezzigator) for providing the code for Tezos Key Generation in Java.
- Special thanks to Klassare who helped us to implement Batch Transactions.
- Special thanks to Raphaël Cauderlier and @FFF who both helped to understand how to build entrypoint parameters messages.
- Special thanks to Matej Sima for helping to solve many issues regarding FA1.2 contract calling.
- Special thanks to my wife and son, for being so helpful and patience during my neverending working hours.
The TezosJ SDK library is available under the MIT License. Check out the license file for more information.
See also
TezosJ SDK for Android.