Ce programme utilise l'émulation d'un navigateur web afin de soumettre des votes artificiels au sondage du site Figaro de votre choix.
This python software uses browser emulation to submit artificial votes to the Figaro's survey of your choice.
/!\ This program is only meant to be a proof of concept application.
Latest version of Chrome
Python 3
PC running Windows
Medium/High quality proxies
PyQt5 and Selenium librairies (You can download them with the following command :
pip install PyQt5 & pip install Selenium
Double click on FakeVoter.py file, located in Figaro-Fake-Voter folder
Type/paste the figaro's survey URL in the required field
Select "Yes" or "No" depending on which votes you want the program to submit on the survey you chose
Use the slider widget in order to specify how many artificial votes you want the tool to submit
Paste your proxies, they can be public/private/scraped one, be careful though, since low quality proxies can make the software working extremly slowly or make it not working at all !
Last step : click on the big button LAUNCH :)
The program's GUI has been entirely made through PyQt5, mostly with Qt Designer tool.
The tool relies on Selenium library in order to emulate a browser able to submit the votes.
In order to be efficient, the program also relies on proxies. Indeed one proxy is randomly chosen for each single fake vote, from the list the user pastes, in order to make the web application believe that there are several differents users from differents zones submitting requests.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.