
This is a Unreal Engine Project to mod Fortnite

Table of Contents


This is a Unreal Project for modding the Game Fortnite which has Classes recreate from a SDK and uncooked/remade assets for making modding easier.

How To use


All desktop editions of Visual Studio 2019+ can build this Project

To install the correct components for this Project , make sure the Game Development with C++ workload is checked. Under the Installation Details section on the right, also choose the following components:

  • C++ profiling tools
  • Windows 10 SDK (10.0.18362 or newer)
  • Unreal Engine Installer

Right click the FortniteGame.uproject and Switch Unreal Engine version... to the coressponding unreal version for this Project which can be found here

Right click the FortniteGame.uproject and Generate Visual Studio Project Files then open the FortniteGame.sln and build the Project with Visual Studio

Now launch the Project by launching the FortniteGame.uproject
