
Fast AirBNB --- App made using Ruby on Rails on Backend and React/Redux on Frontend

Primary LanguageJavaScript


See Live Version Here: https://travelsmart1.herokuapp.com


TravelSmart draws inspiration from AirBnB and helps users find homes for temporary stay based on multiple filters. It also lets them book and review locations.



Project Information

This project was developed in 10 days using Ruby on Rails, React.js with Redux, Google Maps, Cloudinary, and Amazon S3.


  • Account creation and authentication

  • Search for trips in a geographic location by price and roomtype in home

  • Search using the google maps SearchBox feature

  • View homes' show page

  • Displays home details (address, amenities, space details)

  • Book a home

  • Manage bookings and view trips.

  • Users may only view trips that they booked personally

  • Visitors may only post reviews on homes that they visit

User Authentication

On the back-end, an encrypted, hashed password is stored in the database (passwords are never saved to the database). On log-in, the provided password is rehashed using BCrypt and compared to the encrypted password in order to verify the log-in. A session token is used to achieve this, making sure the user is logged in when navigating the website. SecureRandom gem was used for this. Bootstrapping the current user is used to keep the user logged in on refresh of the page.

Home Show Page

All homes are stored in the database, which contains columns for:

  • the home id
  • the Geographic location (lat and long)
  • title of the home
  • description of the home
  • price per night
  • the address of home
  • an image_url referencing it's picture hosted in AWS, packaged using paperclip
  • the number of bathrooms
  • the number of bedrooms
  • the number of beds
  • the roomtype that the host is servicing (Shared Room, Entire House, Private Room)

----The Following is not stored in the database but is randomly generated on home show----

  • a boolean that determines if the host provides the internet amenity
  • a boolean that determines if the host provides the family-friendly amenity
  • a boolean that determines if the host provides the free-parking amenity
  • a boolean that determines if the host provides a kitchen

Below is an example of a state shape for the home index page:

  1: {
    id: 1,
    lat: 37.98435639,
    lng: -107.9596022,
    price: 1338,
    title: "some_title",
    address: "some_address",
    beds: 12,
    roomtype: "Private Room",
    image_url: "some_image_url"
  2: {
    id: 2,
    lat: 34.43947806,
    lng: -101.3342404,
    price: 338,
    title: "some_title",
    address: "some_address",
    beds: 12,
    room_type: "Entire home",
    image_url: "some_image_url"

Home Show Page State Shape:

  id: 29,
  lat: 34.43947806,
  lng: -101.3342404,
  price: 2404,
  title: "some_title",
  description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.",
  address: "some_address",
  roomtype: "Shared Room"
  image_url: "some_image_url",
  space: {
    bathrooms: 1,
    bedrooms: 2,
    beds: 4,


Map Filters

TravelSmart offers real-time filtering based on roomtype and price (per month). The Redux state is updated with a list of all the homes matching both the filter query and location bounds. Map markers are then populated on the map as an overlay for every location stored in the state. With every filter or idle state of the map, old map markers are replaced with new map markers; the bounds also resize automatically when zooming in or out of the map. Markers pertaining to a certain house bounce when the house is hovered over in the homes index, and there is google search functionality with a searchbar that will set the bounds of the map.


On the backend, the home model will take in a query based on a latitude and longitude rectangular boundary. The home controller will also query based on roomtype and price range.

class Home
  def self.in_bounds(bounds)
  self.where("lat < ?", bounds[:northEast][:lat])
      .where("lat > ?", bounds[:southWest][:lat])
      .where("long > ?", bounds[:southWest][:lng])
      .where("long < ?", bounds[:northEast][:lng])

class HomesController
  def index
    bounds = params[:bounds]
    @homes = bounds ? Home.in_bounds(bounds) : Home.all

    if (params[:minPrice] && params[:maxPrice])
      @homes = @homes.where(price: price_range)

    if (params[:roomtype] && params[:roomtype] != "alltypes")
      @homes = @homes.where("roomtype = ?", params[:roomtype])

On the frontend, a filter object will be a slice of state that will be passed in when making an ajax request for an index of homes, and the subsequent response will update the map api with the filtered index. Sort Filter action and Bounce Filter actions were added to help with the bouncing of markers based on mouse hovering and the sorting of the houses based on price.

export const updateFilter = (filter, value) => (dispatch, getState) => {
  dispatch(changeFilter(filter, value));
  return fetchHomes(getState().filters)(dispatch);

export const sortFilter = (boolean) => ({
  type: SORT_FILTER,

export const bounceFilter = (homeid, boolean) => ({

Here is an example of a filter state slice:

    bounds: {
      northEast: {lat: 39.123551, lng: -73.951231},
      southWest: {lat: 41.139024, lng: -69.994121}
    minPrice: 300,
    maxPrice: 3400,
    bouncingmarker: {homeid: 3, bouncing: true},
    sorted: true


Home Details

The home show page contains a more in-depth explanation of the home's features. The page is shown when a user clicks on either a home from the home index page or when they click on a home's marker from the map.

Booking a Trip

All trips (bookings) are stored in one table in the database, which contains columns for id, the visitor_id that references a visitor (user), the home_id that references the booked home, and the start_date and end_date of the trip.

Viewing Trips

Only the user can view their own trips. The user can view details about their trip, the amount they paid, and if they have to, cancel their trips. If the user has no trips, a link will allow the user to redirect back to the home index page. Since the user has many trips and since each trip belongs to a home through a home id, these assocations were used to get the current user's trips and home info of those trips such as the home title, etc. A join table with home was made with a 'includes' statement in the controller to prevent N+1 SQL queries.

This is the page where the user can post a review of their trips.


Only visitors can make a review of the homes they visit. A review requires a body and rating. The rating has to be between 1-10. Upon creating a review, the reviews info is stored in the database along with its user_id and home_id. Since review info, author info, and home info are needed, the reviews controller queries the reviews table for reviews that have the same id as the params[:homeid] that is passed in from front end. The .includes method was used again to prevent N+1 queries. In addition, since the reviews and review info would constantly change based on the home show page the user is looking at, the reviews were not stored in the store. A AJAX/database request was made directly in the review jsx component to improve space complexity. This would help a lot of a home had a lot of reviews.

Coming Soon

During the 10 days I spent developing this clone, I realized that I could add numerous things that AirBNB has to improve a user's experience.

User Profile Pages

Adding a user profile page would improve the social aspect of the app.

Port to React Native

Integration with mobile using React Native.

More Filters

Filtering by number of beds and bedrooms as well as by reviews will help to improve usability. The beds, bedrooms, etc. would be implemented similarly to how it is implemented on the AirBNB website, with a + and - sign to add or decrease the number of desired elements.

Additional UX features

Infinite Scroll on index pages