SkyCast is an app for searching and displaying the forecasted and historic weather for selected locations.
Hosted on Heroku: HERE The frontend and backend are hosted seperately on Heroku's free plan, so the app will take 30-40 seconds to load if it has not been accessed within the past 30 minutes. (15 seconds for the frontend, 15 seconds for the backend)
- Built with a React/Redux frontend
- Hooks into a backend built with the Express JavaScript framework for authentication, storing search histories, and making weather api requests
- Uses Darksky API for weather information and Google Maps API for location suggestions
- Uses ES7 JavaScript syntax to make code more readable, especially for asynchronous code (async / await)
User can enter location and get the current and future forecast:
- Google maps autocomplete gets location data from suggested user input
- A widget shows current data information and is color coded to show a different color background based on the time of day.
- Animated Skycon icons show weather conditions at a glance
- A homemade table shows future daily and hourly weather information
- A Google chart tracks daily temperature highs and lows, and humidity
- uses the darksky weather api
Users can see weather history via charts:
- A calendar widget allows users to select any date in the past, and view weekly and hourly information for that date
- Makes separate weather api calls for each day of the week, because a historical request from Darksky only contains data for a single day
- uses the same UI components as the current weather display
Users can track their search history:
- Users can create permanent accounts, if they are logged in their search locations are saved to a database
- Authentication and signup features custom error validation messages
- Security is supported by the passport and bcrypt authentication libraries
- ReactJS - Library for building UIs
- Create React App - awesome React boilerplate
- Redux - State container
- React Infinite Calendar - date picking calendar
- React Places Autocomplete - React wrapper for Google maps autocomplete
- React Router - Enables routing
- Axios - for connecting to backend
- Google Charts - for displaying humidity and temp chart
- React Skycons - wrapper for Darksky canvas-based weather icons
- Express - node.js app framework
- Passport - authentication middleware
- Sequelize - Object relational mapping system
- BCrypt - hashes/salts/and compares passwords
- Postgres - relational database
- Axios - for connecting to the weather api