
UEFI Environment for VisualStudio (MSVC), Extremely easy to setup.

Primary LanguagePython



Well, i found the installation and usage of the EDK2 extemely tedious, then i discovered VisualUEFI which implements the EDK2 into visual studio but still i wasn't quite satisfied since i tend to reinstall windows really often i coded a little script in python (yh, not in batch cuz i was lazy) that sets up some presets on VisualStudio with which you can create UEFI applications/Dxe Drivers/UEFI Drivers projects.




  1. Install all the requirements listed above.
  2. Clone the repo using the following command git clone https://github.com/Th3Spl/SimpleUEFI --recursive
  3. Use the command line python Setup.py
  4. The python file will automatically move all the needed files
  5. Once the program stops it will open a folder
  6. Open EDK-II.sln with VisualStudio and compile (x64 Release)
  7. Once you compiled EDK-II.sln click any keybind on the terminal
  8. The program will automatically copy the presets in the VisualStudio templates folder
  9. Open VisualStudio and search for either Uefi Application/Dxe Driver/Uefi Driver
  10. Create a new project using a preset and if everything worked it should compile without issues.


  • Add qemu debugging options to presets (Partially added).


If you encounter any issue feel free to contact me.

  • Th3Spl