
My version of slate

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Granite theme for hugo

Granite is a twist on the slate theme for Hugo. Supports using image logos or url text for the contents of the tiles. Looks like it belongs among Pop_OS! linux theme.

Granite's goals are to use only libre software and use no external fonts.

  • Replace Exo fonts with Fira Fonts
  • Replace Font Awesome 4.7 with Fork Awesome 1.17



  • Rotating image background
  • Image and Text tile display mode
  • Tag based navigation/filtering


Installing this theme

mkdir themes
cd themes
git clone https://github.com/Th3Whit3Wolf/granite.git

Build with this theme

hugo server -t granite


The following configuration site params are available:

  • BackgroundImages: (optional) specifies a list of backgrounds to rotate through, if not provided, then the specified background style will be used
  • BackgroundStyle: (optional) The background CSS style to use. (default value is radial-gradient(ellipse farthest-side at center top, #FCFCFC 0%, #657383 100%))
  • OpenLinksInNewWindow: (optional) boolean to set if tile links open in a new window/tab. (default values is false)
  • Favicon: (optional) path to the favicon


baseURL = "http://example.org/"
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "My New Hugo Site"
theme = "slate"

[ params ]
BackgroundImages = [
BackgroundStyle = "#000000;"
OpenLinksInNewWindow = true
Favicon = "favicon.ico"

# list of nav tags
[[ params.nav ]]
name = "favorites"
tag = "favorite"
icon = "star"

Example : config.toml


All links are defined in the data/links.yml data file. Valid attributes are:

  • name: the name displayed below the tile, also used as tile text if javascript is disabled in the client browser.
  • url: the url href, also used for text when no img is specified
  • tags: (optional) list of tags to apply to this tile
  • img: (optional) path to tile image, this will replace any text in the tile
  • txt_color: (optional) css used to set the color of a tile, a random value is chosen if none is specified
  • bg_color: (optional) css used to set the background-color of a tile.

Example of link definitions in the data file.

  name: 'google'
  url: 'https://google.com'
  img: 'google.svg'
  tags: ['favorite', 'search']
  name: 'bing'
  url: 'https://bing.com'
  img: 'bing.svg'
  txt_color: '#ffffff'
  bg_color: '#ffb900'
  tags: ['search']
  name: 'amazon'
  url: 'https://amazon.com'
  img: 'amazon.svg'
  bg_color: '#ffffff'
  txt_color: '#ff9900'
  tags: ['favorite', 'shopping']
  name: 'reddit'
  url: 'https://reddit.com'
  img: 'reddit.svg'
  bg_color: '#5f99cf'
  txt_color: '#ffffff'
  name: 'spotify'
  url: 'https://web.spotify.com'
  img: 'spotify.svg'
  bg_color: '#191414'
  txt_color: '#1db954'
  tags: ['favorite', 'music']
  name: 'google music'
  url: 'https://play.google.com/music/listen'
  img: 'google-music.png'
  bg_color: '#ffffff'
  txt_color: '#ff5722'
  tags: ['music']
  name: 'pandora'
  url: 'https://pandora.com'
  img: 'pandora.svg'
  bg_color: '#005483'
  txt_color: '#ffffff'
  tags: ['music']


Along the left side of the screen is a navigation bar that can be used to filter the links. The filtering occurs on the tag attribute of the links. For example, when the 'favorite' tag is selected, only the links with the 'favorite' tag attribute will be shown.

A nav filter is defined as:

  • name: The name displayed in the UI
  • tag: the tag name to filter links with
  • icon: the font-awesome name of the icon to display(will be replaced with fork awesome in the future)

Example of a menu definition in main config file.

[[ params.nav ]]
name = "favorites"
tag = "favorite"
icon = "star"

[[ params.nav ]]
name = "search"
tag = "search"
icon = "search"

[[ params.nav ]]
name = "shopping"
tag = "shopping"
icon = "shopping-basket"

[[ params.nav ]]
name = "music"
tag = "music"
icon = "headphones"


If you have a logo you'd like to add send me a pull request or an issue and I'll see if I can add it. All of the logos are currently SVGs and I will try to continue that.


99% of all the work was done by Gus Esquivel