
Old Irish Morphological Finite-State Transducer (FST), mainly for verbs

Old Irish Morphological Finite-State Transducer (FST), mainly for verbs

FST logo

The development of an Old Irish FST was part of my Ph.D. thesis, for which see this Wiki.

The FST has been implemented in foma, a finite-state compiler and C library developed by Mans Hulden. For download instructions and documentation see https://fomafst.github.io/.

The code in this repository consists of lexicon files (.lexc), rules (.rule), scripts (.script), stems (.txt), and binary files (.fst), put in their respective directories. The directory structure should be maintained if making changes to files and running the file shell_script, which

  1. contains unix commands to handle the insertion of stem lists into se_empty.lexc (to create se.lexc), and
  2. invokes foma script files* to create binary .fst files.

*script files typically read in external lexicon and rule files, and in this implementation also employ variables previously defined in other script files and as such present in memory.

The directory fst already contains the latest saved binary files; running shell_script is therefore only necessary after updating files (typically the stem lists), to create new .fst files, of which there are two:

  1. oiv.fst: Old Irish verbs (or, more correctly, the verbal complex)
  2. oiAll.fst: additional frequent words taken from the Early Irish narrative text Táin Bó Fraích (see Chapter 5 of my Ph.D. thesis).