Script to get all games from GoG connect, and add to/update an rss file
The program requires a location argument (-r or --rss) to know where the rss output should be stored. Intended functionality is for the previous file to be read and updated as needed, to create a valid RSS feed.
The script should rune periodically (every 24 hours) to keep track of what games are available
- RSS_LOCATION: specifies the location the output should be saved
- FEED_URL: specify the feed source URL. defaults to github repo link
The run command results is the file feed.rss being generated into the /tmp folder. The save location is fed via the $RSS_LOCATION environment variable
docker run -e "RSS_LOCATION=/rss/feed.rss" -e "" -v /tmp/rss:/rss --rm thachillera/gogconnect:latest
Update existing RSS file instead of re-making from scratchCreate Docker FileRSS Location passed by ENV variable
Add way to specify feed URL