
Queue processing Discord bot for the Blob Emoji Discord server.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


py3 license travis circleci issues commits

QueueBot manages suggestion queueing and approval for the Blob Emoji Discord guild. It requires Python >=3.6 and the discord.py@rewrite library.

It is not recommended to run an instance of this bot yourself. The code is here primarily for reference and bugfixing.


This project has a number of requirements for deployment:

  • git, for acquiring discord.py@rewrite
  • A PostgreSQL >=9.6 server to store suggestion data
  • A config.yaml file containing configuration data
  • libuv to enable uvloop
  • Python requirements as in requirements.txt



git can be used in Windows either by Git for Windows or subshells such as MinGW.


git should be available from your system package manager, for example in Debian-based systems:

apt install git

and in Arch-based systems:

pacman -S git

PostgreSQL >=9.6


Installation for PostgreSQL varies based on system:


PostgreSQL for Windows can be installed via the Windows installers page.

Once you've installed PostgreSQL, open the Start Menu, search for "SQL Shell (psql)", and run it.

If you changed any of the credentials (such as the port) in the installer, type them in, otherwise just press Enter until it asks for your password.

Enter the password you entered into the installer, and psql should load into the postgres user.

Arch Linux

Arch includes up to date PostgreSQL packages in their official repositories. To install, simply run:

pacman -S postgresql

After installing, you can use sudo -u postgres -i psql to log in as the default PostgreSQL user.


In order to get specific versions of PostgreSQL on Debian, you will need to add an apt repository.

As apt requires root, you must be superuser for all of the below. (you can become superuser using sudo su if you are not already.)

To add an apt repository, we need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list, or a subrule for it (e.g. /etc/apt/sources.list.d/postgres.list) to contain the following:

deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ stretch-pgdg main

(Vary stretch-pgdg to jessie-pgdg, wheezy-pgdg depending on your installation)

Once this is done, you must add the PostgreSQL key to apt and update your local package list.

wget --quiet -O - https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc | apt-key add -
apt update

Finally, we can install PostgreSQL:

apt install postgresql-10

Now that PostgreSQL is installed, you can use sudo -u postgres -i psql to log in as the default PostgreSQL user.


To create a new database and user, use the following commands:

CREATE ROLE myuser LOGIN PASSWORD 'mypassword';

(Substitute myuser, mypassword and mydb with whatever names you wish to call them).

Once these commands have completed, type \c mydb myuser into psql. It will prompt you for the password, enter the one you just created.

Create a new suggestions table as in schema.sql.

In Linux you can do this quickly by doing psql -d mydb -U myuser < schema.sql on the command line.

Your setup for PostgreSQL is now done and you can log out of psql by typing \q.


A config.yaml file should be placed in the project root, alongside run.py.

You can find an example of how to create this config by referencing config.example.yaml.


On Linux, libuv can usually be installed on your respective package manager.

On Debian:

apt install libuv0.10

On Arch:

pacman -S libuv

On Windows, libuv builds can either be built manually or experimental builds installed from the distribution index.


First, create a virtualenv for this project (you can skip this step if you already have one or don't want one).

On Linux:

python -m virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

On Windows:

python -m virtualenv venv

Then use pip to install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you created a virtualenv, once you are done with it you can disable it using deactivate.