
Banao Assignment To develop a static site using NextJS and Bootstrap with a given design.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is a assignment given by Banao.com for the Internship shortlisting

Project Overview

To develop a static site using NextJS and Bootstrap with a given design.

Live Demo

/ You can view a live demo of the project [Please note this site is hosted in free on render so it takes 20 sec for initial load] home page. landing page

Project Implementation

The web page has been developed to be an exact replica of the design provided in the Figma link using NextJS and Bootstrap.

The following technologies and best practices have been employed:

  • Javascript, HTML, CSS, NextJS and Bootstrap: The project utilizes a combination of these technologies to create a responsive and visually appealing web page.

  • Responsive Design: The webpage is designed to be fully responsive and should adapt seamlessly to various device widths without any breakage.

  • Components and Containers: Proper use of components and containers has been maintained to ensure code modularity, scalability and reusability.

  • Login & Signup Modals: The login and signup modals are implemented to appear on click, similar to any other modals (non functional).

Getting Started

To run this project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/thagoo/nextjs-task.git
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
cd nextjs-task
  1. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Build the project
npm run build
  1. Run the production server locally
npm run start


  1. Run the development server:
npm run dev

This will start the respective server, and you can view the webpage by accessing http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

Thank you for checking out my project!