
Before you take an assessment, read up here and make sure that you understand all the concepts listed for that particular assessment

Assessment Prep

Before you take an assessment, read up here and make sure that you understand all the concepts listed for that particular assessment

Basic Javascript

Students should be able to:

  • Create variables
  • Concatenate strings
  • Objects
    • Create objects.
    • Change Properties of objects.
    • Loop through objects.
  • Arrays
    • Create arrays
    • Remove items from an array.
    • Manipulate data in an array.
  • Functions
    • Write Functions
    • Filter arrays with Functions
    • Return values from functions.
  • Conditional Statements
  • Callbacks

Intermediate Javascript

Students should be able to:

  • Understand Lexical Scoping in Javascript.
  • Manipulate arrays.
  • Understand Promises and asynchronous operations in Javascript.
  • Know how to use $q to create a promise object.
  • Understand context and the keyword this.
  • Use **call, bind, **and apply.
  • Constructor functions.
  • Prototypes and Prototypical Inheritance.
  • Closures and how to use them.
  • Types in Javascript and Comparison Operators.


Students should be able to:

  • Create an angular app.
  • Create a Controller.
  • Use a service to get data from an API.
  • Use $scope and ng-repeat to show data in the view.
  • Create Directives that use an Isolated Scope.
  • Create a router using ui-router with several different states.
  • Send params using ui-router.


Students should be able to:

  • Create a node server using express.
  • Create an endpoint to retrieve data.
  • Use the four rest methods: GET, POST, PUT/PATCH, and DELETE.
  • Create endpoints that can use queries and params.


Coming soon