Before you take an assessment, read up here and make sure that you understand all the concepts listed for that particular assessment
Students should be able to:
- Create variables
- Concatenate strings
- Objects
- Create objects.
- Change Properties of objects.
- Loop through objects.
- Arrays
- Create arrays
- Remove items from an array.
- Manipulate data in an array.
- Functions
- Write Functions
- Filter arrays with Functions
- Return values from functions.
- Conditional Statements
- Callbacks
Students should be able to:
- Understand Lexical Scoping in Javascript.
- Manipulate arrays.
- Understand Promises and asynchronous operations in Javascript.
- Know how to use $q to create a promise object.
- Understand context and the keyword this.
- Use **call, bind, **and apply.
- Constructor functions.
- Prototypes and Prototypical Inheritance.
- Closures and how to use them.
- Types in Javascript and Comparison Operators.
Students should be able to:
- Create an angular app.
- Create a Controller.
- Use a service to get data from an API.
- Use $scope and ng-repeat to show data in the view.
- Create Directives that use an Isolated Scope.
- Create a router using ui-router with several different states.
- Send params using ui-router.
Students should be able to:
- Create a node server using express.
- Create an endpoint to retrieve data.
- Use the four rest methods: GET, POST, PUT/PATCH, and DELETE.
- Create endpoints that can use queries and params.
Coming soon