
2D Vulkan game framework.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


2D Vulkan game framework, written entirely in Rust.

Table of Contents


sidekick is a free and open-source game framework under the MIT license that allows developers to create stunning 2D video games, prototypes, desktop apps and everything in between. It uses glutin for window context management and rgx as the rendering engine.

sidekick is subject to change as it is actively developed so expect things to break (😅).

sidekick is an educational project for learning purposes, feel free to use it in personal and commercial projects, just keep in mind that support is minimal.

Supported platforms:


Current features

  • Window Management
  • Cursor Management
  • Keyboard Input Handling
  • Mouse Input Handling
  • Game Time Management
  • Debugging Tools
  • Basic Shapes Rendering (Line, Triangle, Circle)

Planned features

  • Custom Math & Logic Library
  • Gamepad Input Handling
  • Custom Polygonal Shape Rendering
  • Text Rendering
  • Sprite Rendering
  • Audio Playing
  • Animations
  • 2D Physics
  • 2D Lighting & Shadow
  • Profiling Tools
  • Custom Test Framework
  • And more to be added...

You can always refer to the sidekick project board for more details on features being implement.

Goals and Non-goals

Goals (Order from most important)

  • Intuitive and Accessible.
  • Fast and Easy to get started.
  • Performance.
  • Cross-platform.

Non-goals (some of these might get implemented if heavily requested 🤔)

  • 3D Rendering.
  • AAA-level Graphics.
  • GUI Editor.


sidekick is completely open to community contribution. Any effort to help expand the scope and capability of the framework is greatly appreciated 🤗.

Please make sure that you follow the Rust API Guidelines when making a pull request, just to make the codebase clear and consistent 😊.


  • Rust compiler and Cargo package manager, you can download them here.
  • A code editor of your choice.

Getting Started

To create a basic sidekick app:

  1. Create a new project with Cargo using cargo new project-name --bin.

  2. In your Cargo.toml, add:

        sidekick = { git = "https://github.com/ThaiDuongVu/sidekick" }
  1. In your main.rs, add:
        use sidekick::app::App;

        fn main() {
            // Create a sidekick app
            let app = App::new();
            // Initialize app before first frame update
            // Note: Dynamic environment should be initialized outside of init
            let init = move |app: &mut App| {};
            // Update and render game objects every frame
            let update = move |app: &mut App| {};

            // Run app
            app.run(init, update);
  1. Build and run the project with cargo run.

  2. You should see the following window by default:

Tutorials and Documentation

You can refer to the wiki page (whenever it's live 🤷‍♂️) for an in-depth guide to sidekick.

There are a handful of examples to learn from. To run them simply run the command cargo run --example example-name where example-name is, well, the name of the example to run.

Want a feature that's currently not in sidekick's roadmap?

Well first of all you can implement it yourself (the power of open source 😏).

You can also go to the issues tab and submit a new issue (remember to add the "feature request" label).