
University of Mannheim - Master Team Project - FSS2019

Primary LanguageJava

Java Release CI


University of Mannheim - Master Team Project - FSS2019



  • JDK 12 or higher
  • Maven 3.5.0 or higher

You need to have JDK 12 or higher installed in order to execute the Runnable Jar.
If you want to build the project by yourself, install also Maven 3.5.0 or higher and run mvn clean install in the root folder.

Afterwards, you can find the Jar in Capitalism-X/capitalismx-main/target/capitalismx-main-[version].jar


Documentation here


Here you can download the latest releases.

Version 1.0.1-alpha

Version 1.0.0-alpha


These are milestones that are not in a fully functional state.

Release 0.0.6

Version 0.0.6

Release 0.0.5

Version 0.0.5

Release 0.0.4

Version 0.0.4

Release 0.0.3

Version 0.0.3

Release 0.0.2

Version 0.0.2

Release 0.0.1

Version 0.0.1