PSP-UFU (Power Systems Platform of Federal University of Uberlândia) is a cross-platform, multilingual, Free and Open-Source Software with advanced GUI features and CAD tools for electrical power system studies.
- 1217720084
- ajunlonglive
- asmwarrior
- carlospsjr
- chen90sky
- CNCLaserMaastricht
- cuihantaoNorth Carolina State University
- dapferreiraBrasil
- ErickNst
- Felipeasg
- gabrielfreitas3110
- ghmole
- gongwm
- guilhermecastanheiraBrazil
- hbj307
- henriqueotogamiCAS Tecnologia S/A
- iagolpsEngineer at Promon Engenharia
- jcabrerachirre
- joaoppetersLACSEP @ EESC-USP
- jtelloIzmir, Turkey
- KhaledAleikish
- lclflash
- LeonardoFdSantos
- linyunfeng201203
- lucassmFederal University of Ceara
- Ly0n@open-energy-transition @protontypes
- mathheusbuenoBRAZIL
- NoWhereMan72
- raphaelnunes67FPF Tech - Fundação Paulo Feitoza
- rhlfariasRecife, PE
- RosenLCS
- tarraloLaboratory of Alternative Energies and Protection of Electrical Systems - UFU
- Thales1330UFU
- whoiszycThe University of Texas at Arlington
- ylm518