This is the very first project from the 42 School's curriculum. It focus on how the standard functions of the C language works, by coding these functions from scratch and creating our very first library, we are able to better understand them.
Libft is a very important project, since this library will be used in future 42 school assignments. If you are a 42 student, read the guides and use the tools you learned throughout the piscine proccess.
to compile mandatory functions.
make bonus
to compile with bonus functions.
We are only allowed to use the following functions:
The mandatory functions of libft are either functions from the standard C library or other useful functions. They are mostly useful for character, string and memory manipulation. These 34 mandatory functions must be done correctly to get a 100% grade.
- ft_isalpha
- ft_isdigit
- ft_isalnum
- ft_isascii
- ft_isprint
- ft_toupper
- ft_tolower
- ft_strlen
- ft_strlcpy
- ft_strlcat
- ft_strchr
- ft_strrchr
- ft_strncmp
- ft_strnstr
- ft_substr
- ft_strjoin
- ft_strtrim
- ft_split
- ft_strmapi
- ft_striteri
- ft_calloc
- ft_memset
- ft_bzero
- ft_memcpy
- ft_memmove
- ft_memchr
- ft_memcmp
- ft_strdup
- ft_atoi
- ft_itoa
- ft_putchar_fd
- ft_putstr_fd
- ft_putendl_fd
- ft_putnbr_fd
- ft_lstnew
- ft_lstadd_front
- ft_lstsize
- ft_lstlast
- ft_lstadd_back
- ft_lstdelone
- ft_lstclear
- ft_lstiter
- ft_lstmap