Guide to host your Resume

Welcome to Thamira's Github Reporsitory, where I am going to guide you through how to host your resume online. The is going to illustrate the practical steps on how to host your resume online, while also utilizing principles of current Technical Writing, as explained in Andrew Etter's book Modern Technical wriiting.


This document's main objectives are to:

  • Shows the utilzation of Github Pages for hosting a resume online along with an example
  • Illustrates the use of lihjtweight markup languages, distributed version controls and static site generators as mentioned in Andrew Etter's book Modern Technical wriiting. Furthermore, provides a chance for you to follow the guide and gain valueable hands on experience working with Github, github pages, Jekyll(for providing more style to your site) for creating and managing technical documenattion.


In order, to follow the guide you need:

  • A distributed version control platform (in our case a GitHub account)
  • An Fair knowledge and understanding of how Markdwn langugae works and how to navigate your way through github, essential for maintaining and creating technical documenatation


  1. GitHub Repo Set up

  • First off we start by navigating to GitHub
  • You should either sign up or sign in using an email
  • Once signed in navigate to the + box to create a new repositroy
  • Name your repository in this format and where usernae would be your gihtub user name, then afterwards scroll down and press the 'Create Repository button'
  1. Resume Preaparation

  • Open your favorite Markdown tet editor( for me it was Markdown Live, as it allows live preview of how your Markdown language translate on the web)
  • Once Markdown file is completed copy the contents of the Markdown file and navigate your way back to your repository
  • Once your there press the Add file button and then press Cretae new file
  • Name your file and paste the contents from your Markdown file into that file and commit changes.
  1. Publish your Reumse

  • Once you have your in your main branch go to settings and choose Pages on the left side bar
  • Once you Pages is pressed Navigate to the Build and Deployment section, and then choose Deploy from a branch option for Source, and main for the branch along with /(root) for the folder and press the save button next to it.
  • Once the save button is pressed you wait for a minute for the site to be published on the domain
  • Afterwards naviagte back to Settings and thereafter to Pages again where you will see the confirmation of published resume along with a button to visit site.

More Resources

Click here to preview my resume hosted using GitHub


Authors And Acknowledgements

  • Thamira Randeniya , for creating this guide and the resume content
  • A special thanks to Github Pages community and MArkdown language syntax docs along with Youtuber Covalence for providing me with enough knowledge to create this guide.


  1. "Why is Markdown better than a word processor?" It light weight and easier to read and write and undertsand
  2. "Why is my resume not showing up?" After a uploading and publishing on github pages it takes a while to upload and publish