APIs Testing

APIs Testing will use Postman for write test scripts and run via newman

Table of Contents


  ├── initial-db                   # Initial Database
  ├── migration                    # Database Migration
  ├── mountebank                   # Mocking 3rd Party
  ├── postman                      # APIs Testing Script
  ├── .env.test
  ├── docker-compose.yml
  ├── Makefile
  └── README.md

Initial Database

Initial database is restore database when start container.


Migration is the storage of arange data for testing in a database. It uses SQL Script to insert, update, and delete data before testing.

Step to arange data before run test

  1. Create SQL scripts for prepare INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE data in database.
  2. Create SQL file and bring SQL script into this file.
  3. Save SQL file into folder changelog in migration folder.
  4. Go to changelog-root.yml file and write code to run SQL file.
  - changeSet:
      id: 0.1.0 Example change
      author: nutz
        - sqlFile:
            path: changelogs/[FILE_NAME].sql
        - rollback:
            - sqlFile:
                path: changelogs/rollbacks/[FILE_NAME].sql


Create Mocking Services for 3rd Party


Store the postman collection and environment

  ├── collections         # Postman Collections (Test Scenarios)
  ├── data                # Postman Data for Iteration
  ├── environments        # Postman Envitonments
  ├── files               # Storage Files for Test (Ex. image, pdf etc.)
  ├── reports             # Reports after run Test
  ├── Dockerfile
  └── entrypoint.sh       # newman command

Naming Rules

In this postman folder Name Naming rules for Collections, Data, Environments:

Collection Collection must contain this word. (.postman_collection.json) is a component after the file name


Data Data must contain this word. (.postman_data.json) is a component after the file name


Environment Environment must contain this word. (.postman_environment.json) is a component after the file name


If you want to use the Postman Data file for recursive testing, name it the same as the Collection file. Docker will automatically call that file for you.


  Collection: create_learner.postman_collection.json
  Data: create_learner.postman_data.json

  # if you want to use environment
  Enviroment: create_learner.postman_environment.json

If you want to use an Environment file for testing, name it the same as a Collection file. Docker will automatically call that file. If there is no Environment file, it will use the default file (default.postman_environment.json).

How does entrypoint work?

to run the test, use Newman to command Run the test by writing the command at entrypoint.sh


1. Find Test Scenarios in the collections folder.
2. Find Data in the data folder.
    1. If available, data will be retrieved from that data file
3. Find Environment in the environments folder.
    1. If available, data from that Collection file will be used.
    2. If not available, data from the file will be used. default.postman_environment.json instead

Newman & HTML reporter

Newman is a command-line collection runner for Postman. It allows you to effortlessly run and test a Postman collection directly from the command-line. It is built with extensibility in mind so that you can easily integrate it with your continuous integration servers and build systems.

A Newman HTML reporter that has been extended to include the separation of the iteration runs so these are no longer aggregated together and also some additional handlebars helpers to enable users to create better custom templates.

This reporter comes with a dashboard style summary landing page and a set of different tabs which contain the detailed request information. There are also a few optional configuration flags available, to tailor the final report in a number of different ways.

install NodeJS before install newman and newman-reporter-htmlextra

Install newman

npm install -g newman

Install newman-reporter-htmlextra

npm install -g newman-reporter-htmlextra

Basic Run newman

  newman run ./postman/collections/[Collection File] -e ./postman/environments/[environment File] -r htmlextra

Run newman with data

  newman run ./postman/collections/[Collection File] -e ./postman/environments/[environment File] -d ./postman/data/[data File] -r htmlextra


You can use Docker Compose in two ways:

via Docker

Go to root project

 cd your_project

Run docker (all container)

docker compose up -d

Run specification container:

docker compose up [CONTAINER_NAME] -d

Example: Run docker (for api service)

docker compose up api -d

Stop docker

docker compose down -v

via Makefile

 cd your_project

Run Container



make start_db

Running Test Step

In testing APIs Test, there are the following steps:

  1. Start Database
  2. Migration Database
  3. Start Other System [If there is]
  4. Start Mocking APIs [If there is]
  5. Start API Service
  6. Run APIs Test

via Docker Compose

  1. Start Database
  docker compose up db -d
  1. Migration Database
  docker compose up db-migration --exit-code-from db-migration --build
  1. Start Other System [If there is]
  docker compose up [CONTAINER_NAME] -d
  1. Start Mocking APIs [If there is]
  docker compose up mock-api -d
  1. Start API Service
  docker compose up api-test --exit-code-from api-test --build
  1. Run APIs Test
  docker compose up api-test --exit-code-from api-test --build

via Makefile

  1. Start Database
  make start_db
  1. Migration Database
  make db_migration
  1. Start Other System [If there is]
  make [NAME]
  1. Start Mocking APIs [If there is]
  make run_mock_api
  1. Start API Service
  make run_api
  1. Run APIs Test
  make run_test