
Allow Mandrill templates api call through gulp

Primary LanguageJavaScript


gulp-template-mandrill allows to upload new templates or update existing ones to your Mandrill account via the Mandrill API.


To use gulp-template-mandrill, do :

gulp.task('mailTemplates', function(){
  return gulp.src(pathToTemplates)
      key: 'insert mandrill api key here',
      JSONpath: './other/json/' // optional

You need to have a .json file that contains the Mandrill information for your template, with the same name as the html file it refers to. If it's in the same folder as your .html, you don't need to specify JSONpath.

Such as :

  \- foo.html
  \- foo.json

Where foo.json contains at least a name attribute for the template:

  "name": "Example Template",
  "from_email": "from_email@example.com",
  "from_name": "Example Name",
  "subject": "example subject",
  "code": "<div>example code</div>",
  "text": "Example text content",
  "publish": false,
  "labels": [

See Mandrill API docs for reference.


  • Add new template
  • Update existing template


  • Add wordwrap to html2txt