
Topic B/2: R : Decision Trees and Support Vector Machines

B2. Show in R code the creation of the training set based on your answer to question B1 and the creation of the predictive model of the next value of sequence based on the algorithms: Decision Trees and Support Vector Machines. Then run the algorithm and briefly comment on their performance in prediction, if you know that the actual next value of the sequence is 31.3. performance criterion is the absolute value of the difference between the prediction of the algorithm and the actual value. Were all the algorithms able to achieve a prediction with a small deviation from the true value? Why is it considered that any algorithm(s) underperformed? (if, of course, this is what happened).

Hint: use the functions svm (from the {e1071} package), tree (from the package of the same name) and predict to train and invoke a support model vector machines and decision tree respectively. For the linear regression algorithm use the lm function.

Topic C /2 : R: Discovery of Correlation Rules

C2. For the transaction table below,

ID, Songs 1,ThisLove,7Days, WonderWall 2,WonderWall, Torn, ThisLove 3,ThisLove,7Days, BeatIt 4,WonderWall, Torn, BillieJean,7Days 5,BillieJean, BeatIt,7Days 6,ThisLove, WonderWall 7,WonderWall, Torn,7Days 8,BillieJean,7Days 9,ThisLove,7Days, WonderWall, Torn 10,BillieJean, BeatIt, ThisLove, WonderWall

using R, you are asked to view all the closed frequent elementary modules as well as the association rules that resulting, assuming a support threshold of 0.5 and a confidence threshold of 0.5 respectively (to show the result of running the appropriate command). Hint: you will need the {arules} package. You will create a songList.csv file with separator of all "," (comma) and use the function read.transactions() to read it correctly as a set of transactions.

Topic D: Clustering with the k-means algorithm and DBSCAN

In this exercise we will deal with two clustering algorithms, k-means and DBSCAN. To see their specifics we will use a synthetic corpus data that simulates ring clusters. We will use the synthetic.csv file with this dataset, which is provided with the pronunciation. After the save it in a folder of your choice locally on your computer, you will load it in R and visualize it using the following commands, after installing the {readr}, {ggplot2}, {cluster} and {dbscan} libraries: library(readr) library(ggplot2) library(gggplot(gggdr), library(cluster) library(dbscan) synthetic <- read_csv("[your folder]/synthetic.csv") qplot(synthetic$att1, synthetic$att2, color = synthetic$label, data = synthetic) As you will notice, the data is indeed (almost) organized into 3 clusters, the core, the first_ring and the second_ring.

According to the theory (paragraph 7.2.5 from the book), the k-means algorithm is not suitable for all types of data. Let us see how it deals with specific data, for k=3: kmeansCluster <- kmeans(synthetic[,1:2], center=3) qplot(synthetic$att1, synthetic$att2, color = as.character(kmeansCluster$cluster),data = synthetic). Indeed, the algorithm could not correctly cluster the data because of the the shape of the original clusters.

D1 : Apply the DBSCAN algorithm by testing different parameters eps= [0.5, 1, 2 or 3], minPts=[5, 15, or 20] and print a graph like the one above showing whether DBSCAN is correctly clustering the data. Indicate for which eps and minPts parameters achieved the best result. Hint: use the functions and libraries listed in The use of the libraries and libraries mentioned in the pronunciation, no other is needed.

D2: The given format of the data makes it impossible for the correct clustering by the k-means algorithm. However, if you look more closely at the data, it can be used with a simple trick can work perfectly. Create a new column in your data, named mystery that calculates for each row the Euclidean distance from the origin of the axes (0,0). Then run the k-means algorithm based only on this new column and print the graph with the result of the clustering. Hint: use the functions and libraries mentioned in the pronunciation, you do not need any other.