
Collection of APIs that I initially created entirely out of pure boredom and sudden thought whilst updating my FOSS packages masterlist

MIT LicenseMIT

(My) APIs

This is a collection of all my APIs

Table of Contents


This project derived from me needing to refer to some of my manuals and documentations, specifically during my linux ricing sessions and needing to refer to my FOSS masterlist. This idea led to the idea of making a FOSS Masterlist JSON API Web/JSON API to be used in my projects.

Thus, I came up with a repository to store all my APIs

At the moment, these are still a WIP and is technically considered in development, thus as such - Your Mileage may Vary

The API's versions will be recorded in the changelogs

If you would like to contribute to the project (Thank you in advance), please refer to my CONTRIBUTING.md



