- A simple Makefile Parser written in Python that is designed to simplify the process of importing Makefile contents into python as dictionary (key-value mappings (i.e. hashmap/associative arrays)) objects
- Standalone CLI add-on support may be considered, but currently, the focus is on a working Makefile-to-Python Parser
- Currently still a WIP
- Package Name: mkparser-python
- Current Version: v0.6.0
- python3
- python-pip
- python3-venv
Create Python Virtual Environments
Generate Virtual Environments
python3 -m venv [virtual-environment-name]
Chroot into Virtual Environment
- Linux
. [virtual-environment-name]/bin/activate
- Windows
- Linux
Install Python Packages/Dependencies
pip install -Ur requirements.txt
Verify packages
pip freeze list
Install locally in development mode
pip install .
Install locally in editable development mode
pip install -e .
Install Python package using GitHub repository via setuptools
pip install git+https://github.com/Thanatisia/makefile-parser-python