- Collection of useful webscraper CLI utilities powered by BeautifulSoup
- With this being based around Video searches and obtaining information via HTML Parsing
- Version: v0.5.0
- urltitlextr : Previously named yt-obtain-url, This is a Simple URL title extractor CLI utility that does 1 thing - extracts title from a given (or set of) URLs and returns it in a new file
- This is for educational and for trial and error and testing purposes only
- Please do not use this for any illegal purposes (if applicable)
- python
- python-pip
- python-venv
Create Python Virtual Environment
- Generate Virtual Environment
python3 -m venv [virtual-environment-name]
- Chroot into Virtual Environment
- Linux-based
. [virtual-environment-name]/bin/activate
- Windows-based
- Linux-based
- Generate Virtual Environment
- Append the Virtual Environment directories into system path
- 'bin' (binaries) directory
export PATH+="/path/to/[virtual-environment-name]/bin:"
- 'bin' (binaries) directory
- Append the Virtual Environment directories into system path
Install using pip
pip install git+https://github.com/Thanatisia/py-web-utils
Install from requirements.txt
- Include the project repository url mapped to the package name in 'requirements.txt'
web-utils @ git+https://github.com/Thanatisia/py-web-utils
- Install python package dependencies
python3 -m pip install -Ur requirements.txt
- Include the project repository url mapped to the package name in 'requirements.txt'
Install locally in development mode
- Clone repository
git clone https://github.com/Thanatisia/py-web-utils
- Change directory into repository
cd frameworks/beautifulsoup4/apps/youtube
- Install python package dependencies
python3 -m pip install -Ur requirements.txt
- (Optional) Uninstall package
pip uninstall web-utils
- Install locally in development mode
pip install .
- Clone repository