
A Cross-Platform CLI/TUI utility/application written in Python/Rust (To Be Decided) to streamline VirtualBox CLI usage in an all-in-one environment.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

vbox manager

Welcome to VBox Manager (Title WIP), a Cross-Platform CLI utility/application written in Python/Rust (To Be Decided) to streamline VirtualBox CLI Operations in an all-in-one environment.


VirtualBox (VBox) built-in commands and CLI functionality

  • VBoxHeadless commands

    These are the actual VBoxHeadless commands

    • Synopsis/Syntax
      vboxmanage [actions] {options} <arguments
    • Parameters
      • Options
        • With Arguments
          • --startvm [virtual-machine-name] : Start the specified virtual machine; Equivalent to 'vbox-cli headless start vm'
  • VBoxManage commands

    These are the actual VBoxManage commands

    • Synopsis/Syntax
      vboxmanage [actions] {options} <arguments
    • Parameters
      • Actions
        • internalcommands [command] {options} : Execute a command within a virtual machine; Executes 'vboxmanage internalcommands'
          • Commands
            • createrawvmdk : Create a new raw VMDK image file to map a Virtual Machine to the USB Drive (.vmdk file); Equivalent to 'vbox-cli manage create vmdk'
              • Options
                • With Arguments
                  • -filename [path/to/vmdk/file.vmdk] : Specify the output file name of the .vmdk raw virtual machine disk image file
                  • -rawdisk [physical-drive] : Specify the Physical Drive you wish to mount
                    • Format:
                    • Windows
                    • You can refer to either Disk (Partition) Management or diskpart to get the drive number
                    • \\.\PhysicalDrive[drive_number]
                    • Linux
                    • Use 'lsblk' or 'sudo fdisk -l' to get the device name/drive name
                    • Format: /dev/sdX
                • Flags
        • createhd : Create a hard disk for a Virtual Machine; Equivalent to 'vbox-cli manage create hd'
          • Options
            • With Arguments
              • --filename [path/to/hard/disk/file.{vdi|vhd}] : Specify the output file name for the target hard disk you wish to create
              • --format [hard-disk-format] : Specify the format/type of the Hard disk to create
                • Hard Disk Formats
                  • VDI : Virtual Disk Image
                  • VHD : Virtual Hard Disk
              • --size [size] : Set the total storage space of the Hard Disk; Syntax: n{MB|MiB|GB|GiB}
                • Size Examples
                  • 80000 : 80GB = 1024MiB * 80
            • Flags
        • createvm {options} : Create a new Virtual Machine with the options provided; Equivalent to 'vbox-cli manage create vm'
          • Options
            • With Arguments
              • --basefolder [directory-to-root-folder] : Set the base/root directory of the Virtual Machine data location
              • --name [name-of-virtual-machine] : Set the name of the virtual machine
              • --ostype [os-type] : Set the type of the Operating System
                • OS Types
                  • Debian_64 : Debian 64-bit
            • Flags
              • --register : To Register the Virtual Machine with your Oracle VM VirtualBox Installation
        • modifyhd [hard drive name (*.vdi)] {options} : Modify VHD/VDI Image Files (the Virtual Machine Hard Drive); Equivalent to 'vbox-cli manage modify {hd|hard-drive}
          • Positionals
            • hard drive name : Specify the hard drive name; i.e. virtualmachine.vdi | virtualmachine.vhd
          • Options
            • --resize [size] : Specify the new size of the hard drive to resize to; Format: N{GIB|GB|MiB|MB}
        • modifyvm [virtual-machine-name] {options} : Modify an existing Virtual Machine; Equivalent to 'vbox-cli manage modify vm'
          • Positionals
            • virtual-machine-name : Specify the name of the target Virtual Machine
          • Options
            • --boot(n) [boot-type] : Set the Boot Order of your bootloader; What types to run first
              • boot types:
                • dvd
                • disk
              • Examples:
                • --boot1 dvd --boot2 disk --boot3 none --boot4 none : Set system to look for a DVD first before proceeding to look for disk (if failed)
            • --ioapic {on|off} : Enable/Disable Input-Output Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controllers (IO APIC)
            • --memory {ram-memory} : Set your Memory (RAM)
            • --vram {vram-size} : Set your Virtual Memory to allocate (Optional)
            • --vrde {on|off} : Enable/Disable Virtual Remote Desktop Environment
            • --vrdemulticon {on|off} : Enable/Disable Virtual Remote Desktop Environment Multicon
            • --vrdeport [port_number] : Set VRDE Port Number
        • storageattach [virtual-machine-name] {options} : Attach a Storage Device to an existing Virtual Machine; Equivalent to 'vbox-cli manage storage attach'
          • Positionals
            • virtual-machine-name : Specify the name of the target Virtual Machine
          • Options
            • --storagectl "Storage Controller Name" : Set the Storage Controller to use with the Virtual Machine
            • --port [port_number] : Set Port Number for the storage device (start from 0)
            • --device [device_number] : Set Device Number for the Storage Device (start from 0)
            • --type [storage_medium_type] : Set the type of storage
              • Examples:
                • cddrive : CD Drive
                • dvddrive : DVD Drive
                • hdd : Hard Disk Drive
            • --medium [path-to-image-or-file] : Set the path to the Image or Storage File to attach with the Storage Controller of the attached Virtual Machine (.vmdk/.vdi/.iso files etc.)
        • storagectl [virtual-machine-name] {options} : Modify/Create Storage Controller
          • Positionals
            • virtual-machine-name : Specify the name of the target Virtual Machine
          • Options
            • --name [Storage Controller Name] : Specify the name of the Storage Controller to control/add/modify/manage
            • --add [Storage Type to Add] : Specify the type for the new storage device you wish to add to the target Storage Controller
              • Storage Types:
                • ide : For IDE
                • sata : For SATA
            • --controller [Storage Controller] : Specify the type for the target Storage Controller
              • Storage Controllers:
                • PIIX4
                • IntelAhci



  • Generate Virtual Environment

    python -m venv [virtual-environment-folder-name]
  • Source into Virtual Environment

    • Using Linux
      source [virtual-environment-folder-name]/bin/activate
    • Using Windows
  • Updating Python-pip

    python -m pip install --upgrade pip
  • Installing Dependencies

    • Using python-pip
      python -m pip install -Ur Requirements.txt


  • rust/python
  • Python-PIP
    • virtualbox
    • argparse
  • make


  • Clone the repository
    git clone https://github.com/Thanatisia/vbox-cli

Compiling/Build System

  • Build the source code using Makefile
    make build


  • Install the script from system using Makefile
    sudo make install


  • Remove the script from system using Makefile
    sudo make uninstall


  • Remove all temporary objects generated during compilation/build/make process using Makefile
    make clean



vbox-cli {options} [positionals {suboptions}] <arguments>


  • Positionals
    • headless [actions] {options} : Run VBoxHeadless commands; Handles VirtualBox functionality such as starting the virtual machine from the terminal
      • Actions
        • start
          • vm [virtual-machine-name] {options} : Start a virtual machine; Executes 'vboxheadless --startvm [virtual-machine-name]'
            • Positionals
              • virtual-machine-name : Set the name of the target Virtual Machine to start
    • manage [action] {options} : Run VBoxManage commands; Manage the Virtual Machine
      • Actions
        • attach [target] {options}
          • Target
            • hd [virtual-machine-name] {options} : Attaches a new hard drive to the Virtual Machine; Specifically Executes 'vboxmanage storageattach --type hdd'
              • Positionals
                • virtual-machine-name : Specify the name of the target Virtual Machine
              • Options
                • --storagectl "Storage Controller Name" : Set the Storage Controller to use with the Virtual Machine
                • --port [port_number] : Set Port Number for the storage device (start from 0)
                • --device [device_number] : Set Device Number for the Storage Device (start from 0)
                • --medium [path-to-image-or-file] : Set the path to the Image or Storage File to attach with the Storage Controller of the attached Virtual Machine (.vmdk/.vdi/.iso files etc.)
            • storage [virtual-machine-name] {options} : Attach a new storage to a storage controller; Executes 'vboxmanage storageattach'
              • Positionals
                • virtual-machine-name : Specify the name of the target Virtual Machine
              • Options
                • --storagectl "Storage Controller Name" : Set the Storage Controller to use with the Virtual Machine
                • --port [port_number] : Set Port Number for the storage device (start from 0)
                • --device [device_number] : Set Device Number for the Storage Device (start from 0)
                • --type [storage_medium_type] : Set the type of storage
                  • Examples:
                    • cddrive : CD Drive
                    • dvddrive : DVD Drive
                    • hdd : Hard Disk Drive
                • --medium [path-to-image-or-file] : Set the path to the Image or Storage File to attach with the Storage Controller of the attached Virtual Machine (.vmdk/.vdi/.iso files etc.)
        • control [target] {options}
          • Target
            • storage [virtual-machine-name] {options} : Selects and Controls a target storage controller; Executes 'vboxmanage storagectl'
              • Positionals
                • virtual-machine-name : Specify the name of the target Virtual Machine
              • Options
                • --name [Storage Controller Name] : Specify the name of the Storage Controller to control/add/modify/manage
                • --add [Storage Type to Add] : Specify the type for the new storage device you wish to add to the target Storage Controller
                  • Storage Types:
                    • ide : For IDE
                    • sata : For SATA
                • --controller [Storage Controller] : Specify the type for the target Storage Controller
                  • Storage Controllers:
                    • PIIX4
                    • IntelAhci
        • create [target] {options}
          • Target
            • hd {options} : Create a hard disk for a Virtual Machine; Executes 'vboxmanage createhd'
              • Options
                • With Arguments
                  • -f [path/to/hard/disk/file.{vdi|vhd}] | --filename [path/to/hard/disk/file.{vdi|vhd}] : Specify the output file name for the target hard disk you wish to create
                  • -t [hard-disk-format] | --format [hard-disk-format] : Specify the format/type of the Hard disk to create
                    • Hard Disk Formats
                    • VDI : Virtual Disk Image
                    • VHD : Virtual Hard Disk
                  • -s [size] | --size [size] : Set the total storage space of the Hard Disk; Syntax: n{MB|MiB|GB|GiB}
                    • Size Examples
                    • 80000 : 80GB = 1024MiB * 80
                • Flags
            • vm {options} : Create a new Virtual Machine with the options provided; Executes 'vboxmanage createvm'
              • Options
                • With Arguments
                  • -b [directory-to-root-folder] | --basefolder [directory-to-root-folder] : Set the base/root directory of the Virtual Machine data location
                  • -n [name-of-virtual-machine] | --name [name-of-virtual-machine] : Set the name of the virtual machine
                  • -o [os-type] | --ostype [os-type] : Set the type of the Operating System
                    • OS Types
                    • Debian_64 : Debian 64-bit
                • Flags
                  • -r | --register : To Register the Virtual Machine with your Oracle VM VirtualBox Installation
            • vmdk {options} : Shortcut to 'vboxmanage internalcommands createrawvmdk'; Create a new raw VMDK image file to map a Virtual Machine to the USB Drive (.vmdk file)
              • Notes
                • The VMDK raw image file will hold the path of the bootable USB drive within VirtualBox
                • Helps VirtualBox to recognize the USB drive as a normal Virtual Disk Drive when available
              • Options
                • With Arguments
                  • -f [path/to/vmdk/file.vmdk] | -filename [path/to/vmdk/file.vmdk] : Specify the output file name of the .vmdk raw virtual machine disk image file
                  • -r [physical-drive] | -rawdisk [physical-drive] : Specify the Physical Drive you wish to mount
                    • Format:
                    • Windows
                    • You can refer to either Disk (Partition) Management or diskpart to get the drive number
                    • \\.\PhysicalDrive[drive_number]
                    • Linux
                    • Use 'lsblk' or 'sudo fdisk -l' to get the device name/drive name
                    • Format: /dev/sdX
                • Flags
        • modify [target] {options}
          • Modify Targets
            • hd [hard drive name (.vdi)] {options} | hard-drive [hard drive name (.vdi)] {options} : Modify VHD/VDI Image Files (the Virtual Machine Hard Drive); Executes 'vboxmanage modifyhd'
              • Positionals
                • hard drive name : Specify the hard drive name; i.e. virtualmachine.vdi | virtualmachine.vhd
              • Options
                • --resize [size] : Specify the new size of the hard drive to resize to; Format: N{GIB|GB|MiB|MB}
            • vm [virtual-machine-name] {options} : Modify an existing Virtual Machine; Executes 'vboxmanage modifyvm'
              • Positionals
                • virtual-machine-name : Specify the name of the target Virtual Machine
              • Options
                • --boot(n) [boot-type] : Set the Boot Order of your bootloader; What types to run first
                  • boot types:
                    • dvd
                    • disk
                  • Examples:
                    • --boot1 dvd --boot2 disk --boot3 none --boot4 none : Set system to look for a DVD first before proceeding to look for disk (if failed)
                • --ioapic {on|off} : Enable/Disable Input-Output Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controllers (IO APIC)
                • --memory {ram-memory} : Set your Memory (RAM)
                • --vram {vram-size} : Set your Virtual Memory to allocate (Optional)
                • --vrde {on|off} : Enable/Disable Virtual Remote Desktop Environment
                • --vrdemulticon {on|off} : Enable/Disable Virtual Remote Desktop Environment Multicon
                • --vrdeport [port_number] : Set VRDE Port Number
  • Optionals
    • With Arguments
      • -e [path/to/virtualbox] | --executable [path/to/virtualbox] : Specify custom path to VirtualBox directory
    • Flags
      • -g {options} | --get-properties {options} : Get properties and details/specifications of a Virtual Machine
        • Options
          • virtual-machine-name [vm-name] : Get details for a specific Virtual Machine Name
            • Parameter
              • vm-name : Specify the target Virtual Machine
                • Default: Get all Virtual Machines listed row-by-row
          • keyword [keyword]
            • Parameters
              • keyword : Specify the target property to search and filter
                • Property/Detail/Specification Keywords
                  • distribution : Get Distribution for the Virtual Machine; Default: Get Distributions for all Virtual Machines seperated by ',' delimiter
                • Default: Get all Properties/Details
      • -l | --list : List all existing Virtual Machines each in a new line
      • -lf [filter-category] {argument} | --list-filtered [filter-category] {argument} : List specific Virtual Machines (Filtered by Categories)
        • Filter Categories
          • vm-name [contains-this-keyword] : Filter by VM name
          • dist [distribution] : Filter by Distribution;
      • -t | --tui : Run in Terminal User Interface (TUI) mode; Type in commands manually
      • -h | --help : Display this verbose help message


  • Create

    1. Create a Virtual Machine
      vbox-cli manage create vm -n "new_vm" -o "Arch_64" -r -b ~/Desktop
    2. Create a new Hard Disk
      • Filename: ~/Desktop/hard-disks/disk.vhd
      • Size: 50GiB
      • Format: Virtual Hard Disk (VHD)
      vbox-cli manage create hd -f ~/Desktop/hard-disks/disk.vhd -t VHD -s 50GiB
    3. Create a USB Virtual Machine Disk Image File (.vmdk)
      vbox-cli manage create vmdk -filename ~/Desktop/vmdk/file.vmdk -rawdisk /dev/sdX
  • Modify

    1. Modify Virtual Machine Hard Drive (VHD/VDI)
      • Resize
        vbox-cli manage modify {-hd | --hard-drive} {-r | --resize} xGiB
  • Attach

    1. Attach a storage device to an existing Virtual Machine
      vbox-cli manage attach storage "Virtual-Machine" {options}
  • Virtual Machine Control

    1. Start a Virtual Machine
      vbox-cli headless start vm
  • General

    • Display this verbose help message
      vbox-cli -h
    • Windows
      • Specify custom VirtualBox directory
        vbox-cli -e "%HOMEDIR%\Desktop\path\to\VBox" {actions]
    • Terminal User Interface (TUI)
      • Examples
        vbox-cli -t
        # System will request for user to enter an action to execute
        # These actions are the VBox utilities (VBoxManage, VBoxHeadless etc)
        Available Actions:
            - vboxmanage
            - vboxheadless
        Action > [vboxmanage | vboxheadless | ...]
        # System will request for user to enter options to parse to the action
        # Options will change depending on the action provided.
        # User to type in the keyword 'exit' to stop the Options
        Available Options:
        Options : 
        - Option-1
        - Option-2
        # System will process the command 
        # by combining the command and its parameters
        # System will execute command
    • List Virtual Machine names in Standard Output
      • List All
        ### Input ###
        vbox-cli -l
        ### Output ###
        # VM_1
        # VM_2
        # VM_3
        # VM_4
        # ...
      • List Filtered by Categories
        • By Distribution
          • List all Debian Virtual Machines
            vbox-cli -lf dist "Debian"
          • List all ArchLinux Virtual Machines
            vbox-cli -lf dist "Arch"
        • By Virtual Machine Name Keyword
          • List all Virtual Machines with names containing "contains-this-keyword"
            vbox-cli -lf vm-name "contains-this-keyword"
    • Get Properties/Details of a Virtual Machine
      • Get all Properties/Details for all Virtual Machines

        vbox-cli -g
      • Get all Properties/Details for a Virtual Machine

        vbox-cli -g virtual-machine-name "Virtual_Machine" 
      • Get the Distribution for a Virtual Machine

        vbox-cli -g virtual-machine-name "Virtual_Machine" keyword "distribution"


