
An attempt at running x11vnc VNC server in a docker containerized environment

Primary LanguageMakefileMIT LicenseMIT




An attempt at running x11vnc (and by extensions, potentially all VNC/RDP connecions) within a docker containerized environment.

The goal is to eventually, by using this project as a baseline implementation of Display server graphical execution within a docker containerized environment, 
    I will be able to make a standalone GUI docker container runner template project

Currently failing pretty much at life itself

Jokes aside, this is currently sll a WIP, some bugs encountered:
- x11vnc refuses to
    1. Startup and run within the container
    2. Accept connections from a remote host (i.e. accessing via XRDP)



  • docker
  • docker-compose
  • Build Tools
    • base-devel (pacman-based)/build-essential (apt-based)
      • make
  • Display Server
    • xorg
      • xinit


  • Setup Xorg working for a user
    • Prepare a .xinitrc file and .Xauthority (Generally after first startup)

Using Makefile

  • All
    make stop remove build run log
  • Build dockerfile image
    make build
  • Start
    make start
  • Stop
    make stop
  • Remove
    make remove
  • Run
    make run

Using docker run

  • Build dockefile image
    docker build --tag=thanatisia/x11vnc -f docker/Dockerfile .
  • Starting up container
    docker run -itd --name=x11vnc -e "DISPLAY=${DISPLAY}" -e "AUTH=/root/.Xauthority" -p "5906:5900" -v "${HOME}/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:rw"  -v "${HOME}/.vnc:/root/.vnc:rw" -v "/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" thanatisia/x11vnc
  • Teardown/Drop container
    docker stop x11vnc && docker rm x11vnc
  • Restart container
    docker container restart x11vnc
  • Start a stopped container
    docker container start x11-vnc
  • Stop a running container
    docker container stop x11-vnc

Using docker-compose



