
Spotify downloader API written in Typescript

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A NodeJS Spotify Downloader package without any API Keys or authentication from Spotify or Youtube-Music.

However, this requires ffmpeg to be installed on your system...

Project Status

  • Automatic tagging of .mp3 files using Node-ID3 includes Year(?), Artist, Album, Title, and Art Cover
  • Simple and easy to use, contains only 6 usable methods 🤔 I do need some help optimizing some parts
  • Error checking, when downloading Tracks, Playlists, Albums i.e retrying the process when status failed...
  • Adding more specific tags like: Total # of tracks, Disc #, and such...
  • Supports downloading Tracks, Playlists, and Albums


Make sure you have ffmpeg installed on your system preferably version >= 4.0

npm i spottydl
# Yarn
yarn add spottydl


First we require/import the module

// If you use plain Javascript
const SpottyDL = require('spottydl')
// If typescript
import SpottyDL from 'spottydl'

Getting a Track Info

(async() => {
    await SpottyDL.getTrack("https://open.spotify.com/track/4cOdK2wGLETKBW3PvgPWqT")
        .then(results => { // Returns a <Track>

/* Example Output
  title: 'Never Gonna Give You Up',
  artist: 'Rick Astley',
  year: '1987-11-12',
  album: 'Whenever You Need Somebody',
  id: 'lYBUbBu4W08', // videoId From Youtube-Music
  albumCoverURL: 'https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67616d0000b2735755e164993798e0c9ef7d7a',
  trackNumber: 1

Getting an Album/Single Info

(async() => {
    await SpottyDL.getAlbum("https://open.spotify.com/album/2mxFsS5yylSTHNivV53HoA")
        .then(results => { // Returns an <Album>

/* Example Output
  name: 'Cigarettes After Sex',
  artist: 'Cigarettes After Sex',
  year: '2017-06-09',
  tracks: [
    { name: 'K.', id: 'L4sbDxR22z4', trackNumber: 1 },
  albumCoverURL: 'https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67616d0000b27394d280f0006107be47bb4fe7'

Downloading a Track

(async() => {
    await SpottyDL.getTrack("https://open.spotify.com/track/4cOdK2wGLETKBW3PvgPWqT")
        .then(async(results) => {
            let track = await SpottyDL.downloadTrack(results, "~/somePath") // Second parameter is optional...

/* Example Output (Successful)
  { status: 'Success', filename: '~/somePath/Never Gonna Give You Up.mp3' }

/* Example Output (Failed)
    status: 'Failed (stream)', 
    filename: ~/somePath/Never Gonna Give You Up.mp3, 
    id: 'lYBUbBu4W08', // videoId from YT-Music
    tags: {
      title: 'Never Gonna Give You Up',
      artist: 'Rick Astley',
      year: '1987-11-12',

Downloading an Album/Single

(async() => {
    await SpottyDL.getAlbum("https://open.spotify.com/album/66MRfhZmuTuyGCO1dJZTRB")
        .then(async(results) => {
            let album = await SpottyDL.downloadAlbum(results, "output/", false)

/* Example Output (Successful)
  { status: 'Success', filename: 'output/Crush.mp3' },
  { status: 'Success', filename: 'output/Sesame Syrup.mp3' }

/* Example Output (Failed) some tracks failed proceed to use `retryDownload()` method
    status: 'Failed (Stream)', 
    filename: 'output/Crush.mp3',
    id: YT-Music id, 
    tags: {
      // tags for the track... 
  { status: 'Success', filename: 'output/Sesame Syrup.mp3' }

Downloading a Playlist

(async() => {
    await SpottyDL.getPlaylist("https://open.spotify.com/playlist/29zGkCDLvy7embGQEwuqGj")
        .then(async(results) => {
            let playlist = await SpottyDL.downloadPlaylist(results, "output/", false)

/* Example Output (Successful)
  { status: 'Success', filename: 'output/Crush.mp3' },
  { status: 'Success', filename: 'output/Sesame Syrup.mp3' }

Retrying a failed download (Album/Track/Playlist)

(async() => {
    await SpottyDL.getAlbum("https://open.spotify.com/album/66MRfhZmuTuyGCO1dJZTRB")
        .then(async(results) => {
            let album = await SpottyDL.downloadAlbum(results, "output/", false)
            let res = await SpottyDL.retryDownload(album); 
            console.log(res) // boolean or <Results[]>

// Using a while loop until all tracks have no errors (Experimental)

(async() => {
    await SpottyDL.getAlbum("https://open.spotify.com/album/66MRfhZmuTuyGCO1dJZTRB")
        .then(async(results) => {
            let album = await SpottyDL.downloadAlbum(results, "output/", false)
            let res = await SpottyDL.retryDownload(album); 
            while(res != true) {
               res = await SpottyDL.retryDownload(res);
               console.log(res) // boolean or <Results[]>


What this module simply does is that it scrapes data from Spotify, then finds the right track/song from Youtube-Music.

Hence, there's no illegal action or DRM bypass being done within this module, as all data is freely taken and used the right way

Special Thanks to:




And other notable NodeJS Spotify downloader projects :D