
A Youtube Music Downloader/API Running on Express

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🎵 A Youtube Music Downloader/API Running on Express 🖥️

A Quick Front-End that I created 😑

Example Frontend

Searching and Getting an Album/Song's Information

/api/song/search?q={Song name}

  • Filters the search for only songs, receive JSON data just like a search request on YouTube-Music.
  • Method: GET

/api/album/search?q={Album name}

  • Search for an album, results are of the same search request on YouTube-Music, but filtered to only show albums/singles.
  • Method: GET


  • Fetches the song's information, gives thumbnails, duration, year, etc.
  • Method: GET


  • Returns the album's description, tracks (videoId, name), year, playlistId, thumbnails, etc.
  • Method: GET
  • Note: Fetched tracks within this endpoint is not as accurate as getting the Official Audio for a song/track. For better results, use the endpoint /api/get/album/playist/${playlistId} for getting the proper tracks and their videoId's.


  • Gets the album's tracks with their respective videoId's and some other information like year, thumbnails, track number, etc. Scrapes the unlisted playlist of the said album set by YouTube.
  • Method: GET



  • Streams a song when given a YouTube videoId, returns a readableStream
  • Method: GET



  • Downloads a song when given a videoId. Returns a buffer of the song with proper filename and tags, whenever parameters are added.
  • Method: GET

Parameters that can be used (Album, Artist, Year, Track Number, Title, Cover)


(Downloading a song with tags)

/api/download/song/lXcX5llJeko?artist=The Fray&title=How To Save A Life&album=How To Save A Life&cover=https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/sB9QbA0jMTQ_4xKJdqt7tUEm_GPazioRHhZ4WWRuTKt7k9yVIKiYbAlpjYKGymR5Ru14e6W0Ta9WbT34=w544-h544-l90-rj

(Downloading a song with full tags)

/api/download/song/MT1j4LS8h8U?artist=Rick Astley&album=Together Forever EP&title=Together Forever (Reimagined)&cover=https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/zSpiBkVK0CY7wTa1xwmQCeAaF6196AFt456eTG6wonaYP_s7MxbkV6tvZ2oCAHLpRrqJXqIpxpTw8hFH=w544-h544-l90-rj&year=2022&track=2

Local Installation


Step 1: 🤲 Clone this directory using git 🤝

  git clone https://github.com/Thanatoslayer6/ytm-dlapi.git

Step 2: 🏃 Go into the root directory and install required dependencies using npm ⌨️

  cd ytm-dlapi/
  npm install

Step 3: 🏆 Start and enjoy your new server 🏆

  node index.js

Special Thanks to these wonderful projects: 👏 👏 👏







😎 And other notable NodeJS Youtube Music projects 😎