- View today's menu 📜
- Place lunch order 🍜
- Receive notification of new lunch dishes 💌
- Pay lunch 💵
- For Yen only 👧
- generate report of all orders that have been made for today 📊
- add new dish to menu ➕🍗
- No persistent database, only memory 💢
- No authentication mechanism, hard-code username 💢
- No GUI, command line only 💢
As an ordinary user The happy workflow:
1.login with your name 2.view menu 3.make order(s) 4.pay them
>>> Welcome to Hoang Yen Cuisine <<<
usage: hoang_yen_cuisine
-addDish Add new dish for today. Usage:
-addDish [{"name":"ca","price":25},{"name":"dau-hu","price": 25}]
-help Prints out usage
-menu View menu
-order <ID of dish> Orders a lunch
-pay Pays your order within this week
-poweroverwhelming God mode
-quit Burns it down
-report Generate reports
-user <username> Sets username
Enter your command: -menu
>>> MENU for today <<<
Dish 1: Pork, price: 30
Dish 2: Beef, price: 40
Dish 3: Chicken, price: 25
Dish 4: Prawns, price: 40
Dish 5: Salmon, price: 60
Dish 6: Rice, price: 5
Dish 7: Pizza, price: 110
Enter your command: -user phuc
Welcome phuc!
Enter your command: -order 7
You have made an order: Order [id=1, username=phuc, dish=Dish 7: Pizza, price: 110]
Enter your command: -order 2
You have made an order: Order [id=2, username=phuc, dish=Dish 2: Beef, price: 40]
Enter your command: -pay
My lunch orders:
#1: Pizza - 110
#2: Beef - 40
Your bill is 150k VND
You have two payment method: 1. Card 2. Cash
Which one you choose?
Need not to enter card number
Please Enter Your Address:
desk 420
Enter your command: -quit
Have a nice day!
As Yen (superuser) Activate this mode with option poweroverwhelming to unlocks additional features: generates report, add new dish(es) to menu. For better user experience, please follow the following scenario:
1.log in as normal user (phuc, tan) 2.make orders (in order to populate datatabse) 3.activate god mode 4.generate reports 5.add dish 6.verify new dish is added by viewing menu
>>> Welcome to Hoang Yen Cuisine <<<
usage: hoang_yen_cuisine
-addDish Add new dish for today. Usage:
-addDish [{"name":"ca","price":25},{"name":"dau-hu","price": 25}]
-help Prints out usage
-menu View menu
-order <ID of dish> Orders a lunch
-pay Pays your order within this week
-poweroverwhelming God mode
-quit Burns it down
-report Generate reports
-user <username> Sets username
Enter your command: -user phuc
Welcome phuc!
Enter your command: -order 2
You have made an order: Order [id=1, username=phuc, dish=Dish 2: Beef, price: 40]
Enter your command: -order 3
You have made an order: Order [id=2, username=phuc, dish=Dish 3: Chicken, price: 25]
Enter your command: -user tan
Welcome tan!
Enter your command: -order 1
You have made an order: Order [id=3, username=tan, dish=Dish 1: Pork, price: 30]
Enter your command: -order 4
You have made an order: Order [id=4, username=tan, dish=Dish 4: Prawns, price: 40]
Enter your command: -poweroverwhelming
All your base are belong to us
Enter your command: -report
Order 3: Pork 30
Order 4: Prawns 40
Total: 70
Order 1: Beef 40
Order 2: Chicken 25
Total: 65
Enter your command: -addDish [{"name":"Crab","price":80}]
Enter your command: -menu
>>> MENU for today <<<
Dish 1: Pork, price: 30
Dish 2: Beef, price: 40
Dish 3: Chicken, price: 25
Dish 4: Prawns, price: 40
Dish 5: Salmon, price: 60
Dish 6: Rice, price: 5
Dish 7: Pizza, price: 110
Dish 8: Crab, price: 80
Enter your command: -quit
Have a nice day!