Types of Funtions in Javascript || Anonymous Function || Arrow Function || IIFE Function || Here are some programs coded using these types of functions

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Created codes for all the below following programs and linked the file with the type of function used.

Q1. Programs in Anonymous Function & IIFE Function

a. Print odd numbers in an array using Anonymous-Funtion & IIFE-Function

b. Convert all the strings to title caps in a string array using Anonymous-Funtion & IIFE-Function

c. Sum of all numbers in an array using Anonymous-Funtion & IIFE-Function

d. Return all the prime numbers in an array using Anonymous-Funtion & IIFE-Function

e. Return all the palindromes in an array using Anonymous-Funtion & IIFE-Function

f. Return median of two sorted arrays of the same size using Anonymous-Funtion & IIFE-Function

g. Remove duplicates from an array using Anonymous-Funtion & IIFE-Function

h. Rotate an array by k times using Anonymous-Funtion & IIFE-Function

Q2. Programs in Arrow Function

a. Print odd numbers in an array using Arrow-Function

b. Convert all the strings to title caps in a string array using Arrow-Function

c. Sum of all numbers in an array using Arrow-Function

d. Return all the prime numbers in an array using Arrow-Function

e. Return all the palindromes in an array using Arrow-Function