
Graphs clustering using kernel measures and estimators. Kernel KMeans, Spectral Clustering, Kernel Ward etc.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status codecov


Framework for clustering graphs using various distances/proximity measures.

List of distances/proximity measures:

  • SP-CT: Shortest Path and Commute Time (and linear combination)
  • pWalk: plain Walk (a.k.a. Von Neumann diffusion kernel)
  • For: Forest (a.k.a. Regularized Laplacian kernel)
  • Comm: Communicability (a.k.a. Exponential diffusion kernel)
  • Heat: Heat kernel (a.k.a. Laplacian exponential diffusion kernel)
  • NHeat: Normalized Heat
  • Walk, logFor, logComm, logHeat, logNHeat: logarithmic versions of pWalk, For, Comm, Heat, NHeat
  • SCT: Sigmoid Commute Time
  • SCCT: Sigmoid Corrected Commute Time
  • RSP: Randomized Shortest Path
  • FE: Free Energy
  • PPR: Personalized PageRank
  • ModifPPR: Modified Personalized PageRank
  • HeatPPR: Heat Personalized PageRank
  • logPPR, logModifPPR, logHeatPPR: logarithmic versions of PPR, ModifPPR, HeatPPR

List of clustering algoritms:

  • Kernel k-means
  • Spectral clustering
  • Ward
  • Wrappers for kernel k-means from kernlab, sklearn k-means

List of graph generators:

  • Stochastic Block Model

List of graph samples:

  • Dolphins
  • EU-core
  • Football
  • Zachary karate
  • Newsgroup
  • Polbooks


If you wish to use and cite this work, please cite this earlier paper which used many of the same concepts and methods (a newer publication is in preparation):

Ivashkin and Chebotarev, "Do logarithmic proximity measures outperform plain ones in graph clustering?" International Conference on Network Analysis, Springer, 2016.