
Lightweight markdown documentation generator for Unity

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Lightweight markdown documentation generator for Unity.

DocGen was created to generate simple and clean markdown pages that can be used as a starting point to further document your Unity project.

The ideal scenario is to pair it with a framework like MkDocs so that you can get your project's documentation up and running in no time.

How to use

  • Import the UnityPkg into your game.

  • Use the Docs tag to add documentation to your:

    • Classes
    • Structs
    • Methods
    • Variables
    • etc...

    Like so:

    [Docs("Write your documentation here")]
    public int_mMyVar = 10;
  • Create a new DocumentationSettings file from the create asset menu.

  • Specify which classes DocGen is supposed to document (write the class names in the settings file).

  • Click Generate and enjoy your new documentation.


DocGen is licensed under the MIT License.