Datasets used in Silva et al. 2021 Science Advances


Countries: reported country

Type: type of information associated to pollinator-dependent crop, non-dependent crop, total crop, VP - virtual pollination, and VNP - data of pollinator-dependent crop that do not depend on pollinators ('pollinator-dependent crop' minus 'VP')

IMPORTATIONS: informantion on importation associated to type of product indicated at 'Type' column (in tonnes) (average over 2001-2015) (Source: FAO)

REL_IMP: percentage of importation of each type of crops ('Type' column) in overall value of their respective category

EXPORTATIONS: informantion on exportation associated to type of product indicated at 'Type' column (in tonnes) (average over 2001-2015) (Source: FAO)

REL_EXP: percentage of exportation of each type of crops ('Type' column) in overall value of their respective category

Cropland.2001: cropland area in 2001 (Source: FAO)

Cropland.2015: cropland area in 2015 (Source: FAO)

var.cropland.01.15: variation of cropland area in 2001 and 2015

Prop_dep.crops.Exp: Proportion of pollinator-dependent crop on overall exportation

VP.production: virtual pollination production (average over 2001-2015) (Source for crop production: FAO)

dependent.production: Production of pollinator-dependent crop (average over 2001-2015) (Source: FAO)

non.dependent.production: Production of non-dependent crop (average over 2001-2015) (Source: FAO)

total.production: total crop production (average over 2001-2015) (Source: FAO)

VP.cons: Consumption (production + importation - exportation) of Virtual pollination (average over 2001-2015)

VNP.non.dep.cons: Consumption (production + importation - exportation) of non-dependent crops and VNP (part of pollinator-dependent crops consumption that do not depend on pollinator (average over 2001-2015)

dep.cons: Consumption (production + importation - exportation) of pollinator-dependent crops (average over 2001-2015)

non.dep.cons: Consumption (production + importation - exportation) of non-dependent crops (average over 2001-2015)

total.cons: Total crop consumption (production + importation - exportation) (average over 2001-2015)

dep.imp.VP.cons: Dependence of virtual pollinator consumption on importation of virtual pollination

dep.imp.non.dep.cons: Dependence of non-dependent crop consumption on importation of non-dependent crop

dep.imp.cons: Dependence of overal consumption on importation of crops Percentage of cropland areas adjacent to natural vegetation areas, i.e. centroid at less than 450m (average over 2001-2015) (Source: ESA)

PropCropNearNature_600m_mean: Percentage of cropland areas adjacent to natural vegetation areas, i.e. centroid at less than 450m (average over 2001-2015) (Source: ESA)

PropCropNearNature_600m2001: Percentage of cropland areas adjacent to natural vegetation areas, i.e. centroid at less than 450m, in 2001 (Source: ESA)

PropCropNearNature_600m2015: Percentage of cropland areas adjacent to natural vegetation areas, i.e. centroid at less than 450m, in 2015 (Source: ESA)

total.cropland: total cropland area (average over 2001-2015) (Source: FAO)

Contact: Number of cropland pixels near natural vegetation pixels, i.e. centroid at less than 450m (Source: ESA)

NoContact: Number of cropland pixels with no contact with natural vegetation pixels (Source: ESA)

avg.HDI: Human development index (average over 2001-2015) (Source: UNDP)

HDI_exp: HDI weighted average of trading partners. Relative contribution of each trading partner for exportation were used as weights

HDI_imp: HDI weighted average of trading partners. Relative contribution of each trading partner for importation were used as weights

population: Number of people (average over 2001-2015) (Source: World Bank)

country.area.2015: Country area in 2015 (Source: FAO) Forest land area in 2015 (Source: FAO) Percentage of forest land within country in 2015