
Framwork for dynamic database and collection names

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Tharga MongoDB

Get started

Install the nuget package Tharga.MongoDB. It is available at nuget.org.

Register to use

Register this package at startup by calling AddMongoDB as an extension to IServiceCollection.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

By default the configuration setting ConnectionStrings:Default is used to get the connection string. Customize by providing DatabaseOptions to AddMongoDB.

Create entities, repositories and collections.

The simplest way is to have the repository implement the collection directly.

public class MySimpleRepo : DiskRepositoryCollectionBase<MyEntity, ObjectId>
    public MySimpleRepo(IMongoDbServiceFactory mongoDbServiceFactory)
        : base(mongoDbServiceFactory)

public record MyEntity : EntityBase<ObjectId>

The more complex way that gives more control is to implement one class for the repo and another for the collection. This way you can control what methods repo methods are exposed to consumers. Here implemented with interfaces and the collection made internal.

public interface IMySimpleRepo : IRepository
    public Task<MyEntity> GetFirstOrDefaultAsync();

public class MySimpleRepo : IMySimpleRepo
    private readonly IMySimpleCollection _mySimpleCollection;

    public MySimpleRepo(IMySimpleCollection mySimpleCollection)
        _mySimpleCollection = mySimpleCollection;

    public Task<MyEntity> GetFirstOrDefaultAsync()
        return _mySimpleCollection.GetOneAsync(x => true);

public interface IMySimpleCollection : IRepositoryCollection<MyEntity, ObjectId>

internal class MySimpleCollection : DiskRepositoryCollectionBase<MyEntity, ObjectId>, IMySimpleCollection
    public MySimpleCollection(IMongoDbServiceFactory mongoDbServiceFactory)
        : base(mongoDbServiceFactory)

    public Task<MyEntity> GetFirstOrDefaultAsync()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

public record MyEntity : EntityBase<ObjectId>

Simple Console Sample

This is a simple demo for a console application written in .NET 7. The following nuget packages are used.

  • Tharga.MongoDB
  • Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using MongoDB.Bson;
using Tharga.MongoDB;
using Tharga.MongoDB.Disk;

var services = new ServiceCollection();
services.AddMongoDB(o.ConnectionStringLoader = (_,_) => Task.FromResult<ConnectionString>("mongodb://localhost:27017/SimpleDemo"));

var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();

var simpleRepo = serviceProvider.GetService<MySimpleRepo>();
await simpleRepo!.AddAsync(new MyEntity());
var oneItem = await simpleRepo.GetOneAsync(x => true);

Console.WriteLine($"Got item with id '{oneItem.Id}' from the database.");

public class MySimpleRepo : DiskRepositoryCollectionBase<MyEntity, ObjectId>
    public MySimpleRepo(IMongoDbServiceFactory mongoDbServiceFactory)
        : base(mongoDbServiceFactory)

public record MyEntity : EntityBase<ObjectId>

More details


Configuring can be done in appsettings.json or by code. Code is always used first value by value. If using multiple (named) databases, configuration will always use the named version first if there is one and then use the general fallback value. This is the order used, value by value.

  1. Named configuration from code
  2. General configuration from code
  3. Named configuration from IConfiguration
  4. General configuration from IConfiguration
  5. Default values

Example of configuration by appsettings.json.

When the 'Default' database is used, the result limit will be 100, for the 'Other' database the result limit will be 200. If another database is implemented, the fallback of 1000 will be used as result limit.

The 'Default' database will have the firewall opened, if hosted in Atlas MongoDB.

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "Default": "mongodb://localhost:27017/Tharga{environment}_Sample{part}",
    "Other": "mongodb://localhost:27017/Tharga{environment}_Sample_Other{part}"
  "MongoDB": {
    "Default": {
      "AccessInfo": {
        "PublicKey": "[PublicKey]",
        "PrivateKey": "[PrivateKey]",
        "GroupId": "[GroupId]"
      "ResultLimit": 100,
      "AutoClean": true,
      "CleanOnStartup": true,
      "DropEmptyCollections": true
    "Other": {
      "ResultLimit": 200
    "ResultLimit": 1000
    "AutoClean": false,
    "CleanOnStartup": false,
    "DropEmptyCollections": false

Example of configuration by code.

This would be the same configuration as from the example above.

services.AddMongoDB(o =>
    o.ConnectionStringLoader = async (name, provider) =>
        return (string)name switch
            "Default" => "mongodb://localhost:27017/Tharga{environment}_Sample{part}",
            "Other" => "mongodb://localhost:27017/Tharga{environment}_Sample_Other{part}",
            _ => throw new ArgumentException($"Unknown configuration name '{name}'.")
    o.ConfigurationLoader = async () => new MongoDbConfigurationTree
        Configurations = new Dictionary<ConfigurationName, MongoDbConfiguration>
                "Default", new MongoDbConfiguration
                    AccessInfo = new MongoDbApiAccess
                        PublicKey = "[PublicKey]",
                        PrivateKey = "[PrivateKey]",
                        GroupId = "[GroupId]"
                    ResultLimit = 100,
                    AutoClean = true,
                    CleanOnStartup = true,
                    DropEmptyCollections = true
                "Other", new MongoDbConfiguration
                    ResultLimit = 200
        ResultLimit = 1000,
        AutoClean = false,
        CleanOnStartup = false,
        DropEmptyCollections = false


To dynamically use connectionstrings depending on ConfigurationName or other parameters it is possible to create a custom implementation of ConnectionStringLoader. If it is not implemented, or returns null, then the configuration in IConfiguration will be used.

After the ConnectionStringLoader is called the MongoUrl Builder will run. This means you can provide any variables (Values between '{' and '}') that your MongoUrl Builder can handle

This is the simplest version to be implemented.

services.AddMongoDB(o.ConnectionStringLoader = (_,_) => Task.FromResult<ConnectionString>("mongodb://localhost:27017/MyDatabase{part}"));

You can also implement your own class for this.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddMongoDB(o =>
        o.ConnectionStringLoader = async (name, provider) => await provider.GetService<ConnectionStringLoader>().GetConnectionString(name);

public class ConnectionStringLoader
    private readonly ISomeDependency _someDependency;

    public ConnectionStringLoader(ISomeDependency someDependency)
        _someDependency = someDependency;

    public async Task<string> GetConnectionString(string configurationName)
        switch (configurationName)
            case "A":
                //Load value from other location
                return await _someDependency.GetValueAsync();
            case "B":
                //Build string dynamically
                return $"mongodb://localhost:27017/Tharga_{Environment.MachineName}{{part}}";
            case "C":
                //Use IConfiguration
                return null;
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Unknown configurationName '{configurationName}'.");

Customize collections

Properties for classes deriving from RepositoryCollectionBase<,> can be customised directly by overriding the default behaviour of the code or configuration.

By default the name of the collection is the same as the type name of the entity. To have a different name the property CollectionName can be overridden.

The name of the database can be built up dynamically, use DatabasePart to do so. Read more about this in the section MongoUrl Builder.

Override property ConfigurationName to use different database than default (or set as default in DatabaseOptions). This makes it possible to use multiple databases from the same application.

The properties AutoClean, CleanOnStartup, DropEmptyCollections and ResultLimit can be overridden by collection to be different from the configuration.

To automatically register known types when using multiple types in the same collection, provide a value for Types.

Create Indicies by overriding the property in your collection class. The list of Indicies is applied befor the first record is added to the collection. It is also reviewed once every time the application starts, removing Indicies that no longer exists and creates new ones if the code have changed.

MongoUrl Builder

The MongoUrl is created by a built in implementation of IMongoUrlBuilder. It takes the raw version and parses variables to build MongoUrl.

Two variables are supported {environment} and {part}.

To dynamicaly change the name of the database {part} can be used. It can be used as an override to a collection or provided as a variable in DatabaseContext together with CollectionProvider.

For {environment} the value will be ommitted when it is set to 'Production'.

Both variables will get a leading character of '_'.

Example for Development with the databasePart = MyPart. mongodb://localhost:27017/Tharga{environment}_Sample{part} --> mongodb://localhost:27017/Tharga_Development_Sample_MyPart

Custom MongoUrl Builder

If there is a need for a custom string builder, implement the interface IMongoUrlBuilder and register with the IOC and that will be used instead of the built in version. Register your own version of IMongoUrlBuilder in IOC.

services.AddTransient<IMongoUrlBuilder, MyMongoUrlBuilder>();

Atlas MongoDB Firewall

When configuring the AccessInfo and the database is accessing a database other than localhost the firewall will be opened automatically for the current IP. There are more details on the mongodb.com site.

Public- and PrivateKey

To create a key-pair, select Access Manager for the organization. Then Select the tab API Keys. Here you can create keys with the correct access.


The GroupId can be found as part of the URL on the Atlas MongoDB website. Example. https://cloud.mongodb.com/v2/[GroupId]

MongoDB Result Limit

It is possible to se t a hard limit for the number of documents returned. If the limit is reached ResultLimitException is thrown. For large result-sets, use the method GetPageAsync to get the ResultLimit on each page of the result.

  "MongoDB": {
    "ResultLimit": 500