
Android Application For Tuiter, like Twitter but this really works.

Primary LanguageKotlinThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Android Application For Tuiter, like Twitter but this really works.

Use Cases

User Creation

  1. Will try to get the user from Shared Preferences. If true, will try to get the user data from the Repository. If false, will send the user to the User Creation form.
  2. The creation form will ask the user for a desired username and will send it to the API.


The project is built using Google's recommended architecture for Android applications[1] so it has a UI, and Data layers. Domain was not used because it was not necessary.

Repository Workflows

There are three Github workflows:

  1. Android Linter: Will execute gradle lint on PRs.
  2. Test Coverage: Will execute tests and report the coverage on PRs.
  3. Deployment: Will build a release with the current APK when a tag is pushed.

1: https://developer.android.com/topic/architecture