Personal Notes Manager

This is a REST API backend application that can be used to manage personal notes in a multi-user environment.

Pre requirements

Install Node.js and MySQL

  • Nodejs environment
  • Mysql server

Getting started

  • Installs all the dependencies for the project.

    npm install

  • Start mysql server and create database called personal_notes_database in mysql server.

  • Configure database properties in config/database.js

const mysql = require('mysql');

var pool      =    mysql.createPool({
    connectionLimit : 20, 
    host     : 'localhost',// Mysql host name
    user     : 'root', //Username for databse
    password : '', // Password for the databse
    database : 'personal_notes_database', //Databse name
    debug    :  false //Enable databse debug log

module.exports = pool;
  • Import the config/personal_notes_database.sql to databse.

    mysql -u username -p personal_notes_database < config/personal_notes_database.sql

  • Start the API server. Default port is 5000 node app.js

How to use the APIs

APIs given by this application can be called for following purposes as shown below.

Add new note

POST /new/{userId}

Name Type In Description
userId string path Id of user who needs to add note
desc string body Content of the note

Ex: localhost:5000/new/100

Post body

{ "desc": "My note description" }

Update note

PUT /update/{noteId}

Name Type In Description
noteId string path Id of the note
desc string body Content of the updated note

Ex: localhost:5000/update/2

Post body

{ "desc": "My note description" }

Delete a note

DELETE /delete/{noteId}

Name Type In Description
noteId string path Id of the note

Ex: localhost:5000/delete/2

Archive a note

PUT /archive/{noteId}

Name Type In Description
noteId string path Id of the note

Unarchive a note

PUT /unarchive/{noteId}

Name Type In Description
noteId string path Id of the note

Ex: localhost:5000/unarchive/2

List notes (not archived) of a user

GET /view/{userId}

Name Type In Description
userId string path Id of the user

Returns array of notes

Ex: localhost:5000/view/100

List archived notes of a user

GET /viewarchived/{userId}

Name Type In Description
userId string path Id of the user

Returns array of notes

Ex: localhost:5000/viewarchived/100

Technology used

Node.js , Expressjs, MySQL

reasons for using them :-

Node.js has less learning curve and we can spinup up websever in few steps. And it has huge comminuty to support. Express.js is powerful node js library to easily create http sever. Since the database used here has a simple and predefined structure, MySQL is used here. MySQL provides tight clear schema for the data. Note app like this does not require NOSQL database as well.

Further work

  • Add proper authentication and authorisation michanism using JWT (login module)
  • Implement unit testing ( jest)