
Simulating the fetch execute cycle in cpu

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Custom Instructions

Opcode Instruction Semantics Syntax Type
10100 Reverse Subraction Performs reg1 = reg3 - reg2. In case reg2 > reg3, 0 is written to reg1 and overflow flag is set. rsb reg1 reg2 reg3 A
10110 Decrement by Imm Performs reg1 = reg1 - Imm dec reg1 $Imm B
10011 Increment by Imm Performs reg1 = reg1 + Imm inc reg1 $Imm B
10111 Compares the register with Imm Compares reg1 and Imm, sets up the FLAGS register. cmn reg1 $Imm B
10101 Swap the data in register and memory Performs reg1,mem_addr = mem_addr, reg1 swp reg1 mem_addr D