This is an advanced slash command handler made for discord.js V14. Make sure to checkout the DJS Guide and their docs
This handler comes pre loaded with a component handler, command handler and a few example commands.
If you need any help join our support server
- Clone this repo
- Enter your bots information in config.json:
"token": "Put your bots token here",
"testGuild": "Put your test server here",
"clientId": "Put your bots user ID here"
- In a terminal run
npm i
to install all the required packages - Run
node src/index.js
to run the bot
What is a "test server"?
- This is a server where you should register all your developer only commands. They will be registered instantly.\
- Do not put all your commands as
testOnly: true
they will only be registed in the server that you specified
What is my bots token?
- Your bots token is what you use to login to your bot. DO NOT SHARE IT
How do I setup a bot?
Got another question?
- Join the support server
- Add a built in blacklist
- Database suppport (Mongo and a file system)
- Turn this into a npm package: GitHub || NPM
- Some of the handler code comes from Fusion Terror however has been modified (to make upgrades) by me