
A modern Cloud solution for a LAMP stack, on Kubernetes

Primary LanguageHCL

Cloud LAMP

This project aims to provide a modern cloud-based implementation of the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP). In particular, it implements the following improvements over a traditional monolithic LAMP deployment:

  • Containerize the frontend and app layers in order to leverage consistent environments via immutable infrastructure.
  • Leverage a managed cloud-based container orchestration service in order to eliminate operations overhead and provide seamless elastic, on-demand scalability.
  • Leverage managed and distributed cloud database and storage backends, in order to eliminate operations overhead, increase resilience and availablity, and provide elastic, on-demand scalabliity.
  • Fully automate the infrastructure deployment leveraging Infrastructure-as-Code technology.


Following on the design principles/goals stated above, below are the implementation details for each components in each solution


Component Implementation detail Current version
Infrastructure deployment Terraform GCP, Kubernetes providers
Container orchestration Google Kubernetes Engine v1.8.8
Database backend Google Cloud SQL MySQL 5.6
Storage backend (NFS option) NFS NFS on GCE VM


Component Implementation detail Current version
Frontend + App Drupal docker container Bitnami v8.3.7r0


Component Implementation detail Current version
Frontend + App Wordpress docker container Wordpress v4.9.7




If you've got gcloud working, and a few variables set, you should be golden.

Create a GCP project and enable billing

We recommended that you create a separate GCP project for this deployment. It is possible to use an existing project but that may cause unknown issues due to unexpected existing conditions.

You can create a new project from the Google Cloud console following these instructions.

You can enable billing on your project in the Google Cloud console following these instructions.

Clone the repo, configure and deploy

Clone the deployment:

git clone http://gitlab.com/cloudlamp/cloudlamp

Change directory to the desired version, for example:

cd cloudlamp/wordpress


terraform apply
Access Wordpress

Once deployment is completed (usually after a few minutes), deployment results similar to these are displayed:

lb_ip = <some IP>

The service is available at the "lb_ip" in the output above. Alternatively, you can check this IP in the "Services" tab of Kubernetes Enginer in the Google Cloud Console.


PRs and issue reports are very welcome!