
Simple discord bot for sharing lewd anime images

Primary LanguagePython


Simple discord bot for sharing lewd anime images from https://waifu.pics/docs, https://www.nekos.fun/apidoc.html and https://gelbooru.com/.

What do you need to start?

  • Clone this repo on a server of your choice.
  • Create a .env file in Discord_DoomerBot folder where you need to define the following environmental variables.
DAILY_CHANNELS = "channel_id.txt"
KARMA_LOG = "karma_log.txt"
EVENT_LOG = "log.txt"

The .txt files for channels and karma log will generate automagically.

IMAGE_REPEAT_BUFFER specifies the number of previous image links the bot checks the new api responses against to prevent repeating the same images.

  • You will need to install a few packages with the following commands.
pip install discord.py
pip install python-dotenv
pip install requests
pip install beautifulsoup4
pip install Unidecode
  • Now you can run main.py to start the bot.
python3 main.py

It may take a bit before the bot commands synchronize with all servers the bot is on.