
Kubernetes set-up on Debian Jessie using Ansible

Kubernetes set-up on Debian Jessie using Ansible

  • For small Kubernetes clusters (< 20 nodes).
  • Kubernetes version see kube_release variable in playbook.yml.
  • No dedicated master node - apiserver, controller-manager and scheduler are just another Kubernetes pod local to specified master instance.
  • No authentication to apiserver.
    • Cluster is expected to be run on a private network, apiserver will be bound to given kube_master_ip, ensure using firewall that only cluster nodes can access ports 8080 and 6443 on given IP.
    • If you need to access apiserver from outside world, add nginx with basic auth in front of it.
  • Calico networking.
  • TODO: fluentd (or similar) + cluster logging with Elasticsearch+Kibana.
$ cp inventory.example inventory
# edit inventory file to match your configuration
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory -e 'kube_master_ip=... kubelet_bind_interface=eth0' playbook.yml