
OpenSSH RCE Massive Vulnerable Scanner

Primary LanguagePython

OpenSSH CVE Scanner

The OpenSSH CVE Scanner is a Python script designed to scan multiple SSH targets for vulnerabilities based on their OpenSSH version. It utilizes threading for concurrent scanning and integrates logging with colored output for enhanced visibility.


  • Multi-threaded Scanning: Utilizes threading to concurrently scan multiple targets, improving efficiency.
  • CVE Vulnerability Detection: Checks SSH versions against a predefined list of CVE vulnerabilities to determine if a version is vulnerable.
  • Logging and Output: Logs scan results to a file (scan.log) and optionally saves vulnerable targets to an output file.
  • Color-coded Output: Uses Colorama and Coloredlogs to provide color-coded terminal output for clear status indication.
  • Interrupt Handling: Supports Ctrl+C to gracefully terminate the script while ensuring ongoing threads complete their tasks.


  1. Setup:

    • Ensure Python dependencies (coloredlogs, packaging) are installed (pip install coloredlogs packaging).
  2. Running the Scanner:

    • Provide a file (-f) containing a list of targets in the format ip:port.
    • Optionally specify an output file (-o) to save vulnerable targets.
    • Adjust the number of threads (-t) based on system resources or scanning requirements.
  3. Example Command:

    python open_ssh_scanner.py -f targets.txt -o vulnerable_ips.txt -t 5