uwuify your files.
uwufile is a simple uwuifier for text files built on uwuipy. It's essentially just a wrapper around the uwuipy library, designed to make usage of it at the command line significantly easier by providing a familiar command-line driven interface, validation, error checking and nice output to let you know what's happening.
Using uwufile is very simple. See the below output of uwufile.py when run with no arguments, or with the -h
uwufile.py v1.0 - uwuify your files
ThatStella7922 (https://thatstel.la)
Help for uwufile.py v1.0:
Usage: uwufile.py input_file output_file
input_file: The source file to uwuify
output_file: The destination for the uwuified version
Example: uwufile.py input.txt output.txt
- If the output file already exists, it will be overwritten
- If the input file is a character device (such as /dev/urandom),
it wont't be read for safety reasons
It takes a source file, reads the contents of the file, uwuifies it, then writes it out to a destination file.
Requires Python 3.10 or newer, and should run on any OS that runs Python 3.10.
Includes Cuprum77's uwuipy project nearly verbatim, I thank them for choosing such a permissive license. To be compliant with the license, this project is also licensed under MIT.