
Discord theme for Revolt

Primary LanguageSass

⚠️ Here be dragons! The most recent update has causes the theme to break. Please bear with us as we work to fix it.

Revolt Discord Theme

A theme that aims to skin Revolt to look as close as possible to Discord


  • Open dist/theme.json and copy the contents to clipboard.
  • Go to Settings -> Appearance -> Theme Overrides and click the small "Import a theme" button to the right of the first text box. This will import your theme from your clipboard, make sure you have it copied and have allowed Revolt to read your clipboard.

You can also do the following things to improve the experience:

  • Set your emoji pack to Twemoji, the same that Discord uses.


At this time, Revolt does not have consistent class naming, meaning that themes may partially break at any time

If you find any bugs, report them using the issue tracker

Known Bugs

None at the present moment!


Thanks to all the wonderful people below, that have contributed their time, work and effort into the theme.

  • Darvi
  • zax
  • Snazzah
  • TaiAurori
  • Pikachu
  • c
  • Nyan