DSA III (SCS2201) - Assignment 1 (String matching)

Question 1 - Wildcard matching

Matches given pattern with multiple single character(_) wild cards using naive string matching.


Naive algorithm is used because of simplicity of the problem. Thus algorithms such as Karp/Rabin algorithm adds unnecessary complexity and needs rehashing for already hashed letters in order to match wildcards.

How to run

Move to question1 directory, compile and run Wildcard.java with arguments

cd question1
javac Wildcard.java
java Wildcard <text_file> <pattern_file> <output_file>
# <text_file> - REQUIRED Text which contains the pattern
# <pattern_file> - REQUIRED Pattern that will be searched in the given text
# <output_file> - OPTIONAL Output file to write the output

# TEST - java Wildcard text.txt pattern.txt output.txt

Question 2 - DNA matching

Matches given multiple DNA queries with multiple DNA database using Karp/Rabin string matching algorithm.


DNA sequences can get very long and needs more efficent algorithm than naive bruteforce algorithm. Therefore solution for this question is implemented using Karp/Rabin algorithm(A depreciated naive algorithm function is also implemented alongside to check the correctness of the algorithm). Rolling hash was calculated using the RollingHash class.

How to run

Move to question2 directory, compile and run Wildcard.java with arguments

cd question2
javac DNA.java
java DNA <database_file> <query_file> <output_file>
# <database_file> - REQUIRED File which contains the DNA database
# <query_file> - REQUIRED File that contains queries to be matched with the database
# <output_file> - OPTIONAL Output file to write the output

# TEST - java DNA database.txt query.txt output.txt


Number - 16

  • U U Kumarasinghe - 17000912
  • M I Lakshan - 17000939
  • O Lelum - 17000955