
A Decent Loading Screen for FiveM

Primary LanguageJavaScript

z-loadscreen: A Decent Looking Loading Screen.

z-loadscreen is a loading screen....



  1. Download Here.
  2. Add start z-loadscreen to your server.cfg




To Configure How-To
Footer text Config.js - Change the string under the object text and var link
Time to change to next image Config.js - Change the integer under imgInterval (in milliseconds)
Transition Time Length (how long the transition {fade} to next image lasts) Config.js - Change the integer under transitionInterval (in milliseconds)
YouTube Audio Presence Config.js - To have no music at all, make boolean var music false
YouTube Audio Config.js - To change the video, change the string videoID to your YouTube Video ID. What is a Video ID?
YouTube Audio Volume Config.js - To change the default audio volume, change the integer musicVolume ( 0-100: Higher is louder, Lower is more quiet )
Add/Remove Images Config.js __resource.lua - To add/remove images, make sure they are added in the images array (following sytax or else it will break) and also add them in your __resource.lua
Configurating Styling Attributes (simplified) How-To
Amount of Blur to Background Config.css - Change var --background-blur (Higher px: more intense blur)
Height of Loadbar Config.css - Change var --loadbar-height (Higher px: higher the loadbar)
Background Color (The color that the image fades out to) Config.css - Change var --fadeTo-Color (hash color) What is a Hash Color?


var config = {
"transitionInterval": 1250,
"imgInterval": 8000,
"music": true,
"videoID": "jo4-FhqkNwQ",
"text": {
	"title": "My Arpee Server",
	"link": "discord.gg/yeet",
"images": ['bg0.png', 'bg1.png', 'bg2.png', 'bg3.png', 'bg4.png', 'bg5.png', 'bg6.png', 'bg7.png']


:root {
--background-contrast: 95%;
--background-blur: 3px;
--loadbar-color: #ffffff5b;
--loadbar-progress-color: #0000009f;
--loadbar-height: 27px;
--footer-font-color: #dfdfdf98;
--footer-font-size: 24px;
--fadeTo-Color: #222222;

What's Configurable?

  • YouTube Video (audio) ID
  • Colors, Contrast, Blur, etc.
  • Images
  • Text instead of a server logo
  • Logo
  • Presence of Music
  • The Transition Intervals


If you need any help/support, join my discord and ask in #support


alt-text alt-text alt-text