
The Best Configurable Playerlist/Scoreboard

Primary LanguageCSS

Clean Scoreboard Fully Configurable

z-scoreboard is a resource by Zua that allows users to easily configure the playerlist or scoreboard



  1. Download Here.
  2. Put the z-scoreboard folder into your resources folder
  3. Add start z-scoreboard into your server.cfg


Value Type Description
--main-bg-color rgba Main Background Color
--main-heading-bg-color rgba Header Background Color
--main-font font-family Master Font
--main-text-color rgba Master Font Color
--main-font-size px Master Font Size
--main-window-width px Playerlist Window Width
-main-window-height px Playerlist Window Height
--main-text-align direction Master Text Align
--main-heading-height px Header hight
--main-padding px Master Padding - Try not to mess w/ this (forgot what I made it assigned to)
--main-border px and rgb Scoreboard Border Intensity and Color
--main-border-radius px The 'roundness' of The Scoreboard's Border'
--ext-title-font-size px Title Header Font Size
--ext-title-font-align direction Title Header Alignment
--ext-title-font-color rgba Title Header Text Color
--ext-footer-font-align direction Footer Alignment
--ext-footer-font-color rgba Footer Text Color


:root /* Edit this for config */ {
	--main-bg-color: rgba(12, 44, 95, 0.548);
	--main-heading-bg-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.568);
	--main-border: 3px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.363); 
	--main-border-radius: 6px; 
	--main-font: 'Roboto Condensed', sans-serif; 
	--main-text-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);
	--main-font-size: 39px;
	--main-window-width: 370px;
	--main-window-height: 185px;
	--main-text-align: left;
	--main-heading-height: 23px;
	--main-padding: 7px;
	--main-font-weight: 500; 
/* 'Config.js' styling */
	--ext-title-font-size: 25px;
	--ext-title-font-align: center;
	--ext-title-font-color: rgb(223, 223, 223);
	--ext-footer-font-align: right;
	--ext-footer-font-color: rgba(190, 215, 255, 0.329);


var title = 'Test Server';
var footer = 'discord.gg/xyz';
/* ------------------------------- */
document.getElementById('title').innerHTML = title;
document.getElementById('footer').innerHTML = footer;

Change the variable's strings in config.js to match to your liking. To change keypress value to open scoreboard -> go to client.lua | Default Key: Z


If you need any help/support, join my discord and ask in #support


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