Coding of a Stormbound-like game in Java Author: Guillaume GAUJAC && Axel ROSTAGNY
--> For launching the game on command line: Place your current directory on ESIPE-Stormbound/bin and type : "java stormboundESIPE/Main"
--> It will ask if the user wants to start a game in solo player or multiplayer, user has to type 1 or 2. The game is playable on command line and user will have several choices for playing. The menu is refreshed everytime an action take place and choices are displayed on screen.
--> The javadoc is readable in file ESIPE-Stormbound/doc/index.html
--> What's inside our game ?
- Two playable modes
- IA is playing randomly
- Displayed on command line with color red and blue
- Card added and playable are standard
- Automatic movement, attack and frontline are implemented